Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blow the Men Down

Hey, remember those sea shanties Cubby and I used to listen to all the time?  It just occurred to me we haven't listened to those in a really long time.  I should get that CD out.  I think he's old enough to learn the lyrics to "The Fireship" now, don't you?


This has nothing to do with what I was going to talk about, which was ALLELUIA, the goddamn wind has stopped.  The wind was blowing hard and constantly for about two days, and it was driving us all crazy.  The wind was joined by snow yesterday morning, meaning it was really, really unreasonable to go outside.  This, in conjunction with a 4:45 a.m. wake-up and no more than a 45 minute nap, meant that by the time we got to the late afternoon when the snow had stopped but the wind hadn't, Cubby was going outside come hell, high water, or gale force winds.

A. and I took him into the gully near our house.  We walked up the creek until we were away from the wind, although it was still lashing the trees above us in a most disconcerting manner.  After an hour of fun that consisted of keeping Cubby from throwing himself headlong in the freezing creek and giving himself hypothermia, we battled the wind home again.

The wretched wind stopped last night.  The sun is out and it promises to be a bright, calm day, if a little cold.  We'll take it.


Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

It has been super windy here, too. And today, random, it started to snow. Even the weather people were all kerfluffled over the snow.

tu mere said...

Great time to leave for a warmer, sunnier environment, don't you think?