Monday, February 16, 2009

This Day and Age

We take a lot of things for granted in this modern, privileged world of ours. Indoor plumbing, for instance. Can you imagine the wretchedness of hauling in all the water for cooking, washing, cleaning, etc.? To say nothing of hauling yourself outside to use the privy when it's 20 degrees with a stiff wind. That had to contribute to constipation.

Or what about electric lights? I don't even want to try to imagine a long, dark winter with only candles and lamps for illumination. Romantic lighting, my ass. When it gets dark at 4:30 in the afternoon, I want bright, twinkly lights, and lots of 'em. Gloom-induced depression is not romantic.

Or even something as small and easily forgotten as the tampon? Because you know what the alternative was--the equivalent of a diaper. Forget the discomfort aspect of wearing something like that strapped around your nether regions for a week every month and just consider the laundering of such items. By hand, of course, because washing machines are also a modern invention. Ew.

Which leads us, inevitably, to the question of the day: What is your favorite modern invention? Aluminum foil? Vacuums? Cars? What could you not imagine living without?


Aunt Krissy said...

Air travel. I had a cabin and had to haul water, used the outhouse and all the other stuff. So I can make do without the modern inventions. Dont get me wrong! I like them, a lot! But to be able to get into a airplane and in a few hrs be someplace else?

me said...

Leaving out all the gadgets to help with hearing loss then my choice would be car/van/truck transport.

Anonymous said...

Tampons, contact lenses, Tums, and epidurals. Say it soft, and it's almost like praying.

Chiot's Run said...

Oh, I lived in a cabin for a summer with no running water and we had to haul it up from the spring down in the woods. It certainly teaches you to be mindful of not wasting water!

I'd have to say running water is my favorite modern convenience (can I include heated water in that?). I could do without a lot of things, and have (electric, running water, transport, etc). But running water would by mine. Life would be a lot more difficult without it. I could put up with a lot of other annoyances if I could just have a hot shower every day!

Faye said...

I have a love/hate relationship with both of these but..the phone and the washing machine.

Phoo-D said...

Well I could lie and say running water, but what I really couldn't live without is my built in espresso machine. Yes- I know, I know, but seriously I would haul my own water to run that thing! =)

krysta said...

hot water heater and feminine hygine products come to mind.

It's me said...


(But there is an alternative to "diapers", it's called the DIVA Cup)

And we might want to be prepared for a post-collapse world. (Yes, I'm a doomer)

Anonymous said...

My answer is IMO the single most important human invention ever:

Birth Control.

And I mean it. Consider how different our world would be if women today still carried the burden of near constant fertility.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well I gotta give a shout out to Country MidWife because birth control can't be argued as anything but ESSENTIAL.

But second on the list is Xanex. And don't think I jest. I couldn't fly, endure insomnia, or get through Christmas dinner without it.

Susan said...

Uh, hello?! Vibrators.

Anonymous said...

Susan almost made me spew chardonnay on the screen! Anyway, Susan, you mean dear old BOB. He is a great guy.

---> battery operated boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

Deafinately hearing aids for me. Hot running water comes a close second.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha, Susan!

Anonymous said...

What the hell were you doing when all these thoughts entered your head? I must know.

Let's see, I couldn't live without heat in the winter and AC in the summer. I live in Vegas so the second one's understandable. The other one's cuz I HATE the cold.

Julie said...

Oh how to choose? I'm gonna start with air conditioning.

Kay said...

Definitely running water and electricity.

I use cloth "pads" on lighter days. Not as "ick" as you would think.

Cattle working clothes are worse.

FinnyKnits said...

Running water. I mean, there are a million things I can't live without because I'm a wuss, but running water would be a total PITA.

MsPicketToYou said...

Ice. At anytime.

I could not live without ice.