Wednesday, May 27, 2009

End Game

Hey, remember the potato harvest? Remember the nine wine boxes full of potatoes that were put in the cellar in October? They're all gone.

It was a good run.

The very last potatoes were consumed last night (roasted, if you must know, to accompany lamb chops and green beans). We did give away probably about two boxes worth to family members, but that still means we ate seven boxes of potatoes in seven months. A box a month. That's a whole lotta french fries.

And now I am left with the realization that there will be no more potatoes from the garden until at least July, when I can maybe dig up some new potatoes. So if we want potatoes between now and then, I'll have to BUY them.

I don't know if I can handle this.


Anonymous said...

And now you are wondering why the relatives don't grow their own potatoes. You can plant potatoes pretty early if you can get the ground worked. Like the end of march, to get new ones a little earlier. We will be sneaking out some early ones this week.

Anonymous said...

I always figure that once potatoes begin to sprout like that they are no good. Am I wrong? Have I thrown away hundreds of potatoes too early?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Sprouts are fine. Just pull them off. The potatoes might be soft and cook faster, but they're perfectly edible. If they have any green on the skins, however, that is poisonous. You have to cut the green away before you cook them.

SaintTigerlily said...

Buying potatoes at the STORE?

I am SO never talking to you again.

(this is clearly in jest...I have to buy my DIRT at the store.)

mdvelazquez said...

That is a lot of potatoes! Now I feel like having french fries.

CountryMidwife said...

That picture is freaky! Looks like some collection the cat caught...