Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Friend

Cubby was lurching around the dining room this morning, as per usual, doing his laps of the dining room table, examining A.'s enormous boots and their fascinating laces, visiting his buddies the brass drawer handles on the sideboard . . . just like any other morning.


This particular morning, the sun was actually out. We have not seen the sun in many a day, but there it was this morning, all shiny and bright, filling the house with unaccustomed light and even a wee bit of warmth. And shadows. Without sunlight, we can cast no shadows.


It occurred to me that due to the depressingly overcast upstate New York winter, Cubby has not had much of an opportunity to play with his own shadow. Which is why it was such a novel thing this morning, and why he spent many minutes banging his hand excitedly on the shadow he was casting on the door frame. He moves, it moves! It's like a miracle!

It doesn't take much to generate excitement at Blackrock in the winter, obviously. If only we were all so easily entertained.


Drew @ How To Cook Like Your Grandmother said...

Apparently you are so easily entertained. Cubby was experiencing something new, so his interest is understandable. You were just watching him do it.

Sort of like a TV show about fishing. Sure, I'll go fishing, but who would bother to watch other people fish.

Huh ... What's that? ... You say there are TV shows of people fishing? Yeah, sure there are.

Word verification: exalis -- like methadone for people addicted to weenie-woodener pills

Mayberry Magpie said...

We not only have sun, we have temps in the 60's. THE 60's!

Some days I hate Okieland. December is supposed to be cold. Sit-around-the-woodstove cold. I want my winter, dammit!

Anonymous said...

We did see a peek of sunshine today. Highs in the high 40's and in the fifties look out for a few days of big thaw coming your way Kristin.
Such a cool thing to be home with him to see such things. Think of all the little moments like that, that working moms miss. Beth

word verification- comphic
a soothing 'green hornet'

Daisy said...

Shadows are so much fun! Did he giggle? Hearing babies giggle as they discover new things is so wonderful.