Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey, Who's Tired of the Garden?

I AM. Or maybe that's just tired in general, because of the garden. Nonetheless, we will forge ahead with one more garden update before moving on to other matters of importance.

So! I did indeed manage to plant the experimental green bean seedlings yesterday. There was a little space left at the end of the plot I prepared for them, so I stuck in some bamboo supports in preparation for planting some purple pole bean seeds there. I have not yet done that, but that's the plan.

I did not plant any potatoes. Instead I planted the purple cabbages I bought when Cubby and I went to a neighboring village to get some grapefruit and grapes. Cubby needs his grapefruit and grapes, you know, and I needed the purple cabbages,* so away we went in the awesome Subaru to fulfill our needs.

I was going to wait until Cubby was asleep for the night to plant the cabbages, but then I decided I REALLY wanted to be done grubbing in the dirt already and would like to be able to take a shower and collapse after he was asleep, so I hauled him out in the garden with me and distracted him with asparagus stalks while I dug, hoed, raked, and planted the cabbages. Thank God the kid likes asparagus so much. Such a handy snack when it's right there in the garden with us.

There were actually eight purple cabbage seedlings in the tray I got, so now we have, uh, a WHOLE LOT of cabbages total. And there was a little space left next to the cabbages when I was done, so I threw in some Heatwave Blend lettuce seeds. Literally threw--just broadcast those suckers and ran my hand over them to cover them.

I was really tired by then, okay? I couldn't be bothered with rows.

Okay! That's it for the garden! And that's it for me with the garden, because good LORD, I am weary.

In other fun news, A. built a new chicken coop out of pallets and we moved the chicks into it yesterday. I was all set to take a picture, but then A. wanted me to wait until he was done nailing up the chicken wire, and before he finished Cubby had a meltdown and I had to take him inside for some cheese crackers and yogurt, so . . . no picture. I shall do my best to remedy that situation, as I know your life will not feel complete until you see a photo of our latest woodchuck structure.

Have a fabulous Monday, poppets.

* For German red cabbage with apples, of course. I know of no higher calling for purple cabbage.


Lana from Farm Life Lessons said...

I can't wait to see the chicken coop made with pallets. I bet it will be sturdy. Sounds like you are very busy!!

Anonymous said...

You just don't know how our lives come to a perfect standstill while we wait for pictures,do you?
;) Beth

word verification-backwore

A gardener's latest condition

Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

I hear you, loud and clear.
I feel a hundred years old after a day of digging and bending and lifting and so on and so forth....