Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Happens When There Is No Nap

Or, more accurately, what doesn't happen:

Another row of potatoes doesn't get planted.

The cabbages don't get mulched.

The bathroom doesn't get cleaned.

The herbs drying in the back of the car don't get crumbled up and stored.

A post about drying herbs in the back of the car doesn't get written.

I don't get to eat a normal meal.

Cubby doesn't maintain his standard happy attitude.

And neither do I.

Let's hope tomorrow is better.


Anonymous said...

Those naps are very important. It is so hard when they start to give them up.

Anonymous said...

Love the very swell idea of drying herbs in the back of the car, love it ! Can't wait for the post with pictures, yes?

word verification- brivera

Geraldo's underwear

sheila said...

not fair when they decide not to nap

Daisy said...

Hugs to you. Take care.

Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

True that.
100% bad when naps are erased from the equation.