Friday, March 2, 2012


If you are checking here in the hopes of some second-hand stories of terrible travel with toddlers, complete with screaming fits and meltdowns and the censorious stares of strangers judging my parenting skills, well . . . sorry.  That Cubby of mine has once again let me down in that way.  I have no stories like that.  He made it through a 4 a.m wake-up, two-hour drive to the airport, six-hour flight to Las Vegas, and an hour flight to Tucson with nary a tear.  There were nothing but indulgent smiles and fulsome praise from our fellow travelers.

God, I love that kid.

He even slept 12 hours the first night we were here, not waking up until 6:15 in the morning.  I, of course,  woke up at 3 a.m. anticipating he would be up and raring to go at any minute, but no.  He took a two and a half hour nap yesterday, went to bed at 7 p.m. and is still sleeping now at 5 a.m.

My parents are beginning to suspect that I drug him.  Since I know otherwise, I'm beginning to suspect he's a robot.

Robot or not, however, that kid gets a whole SHEET of gold stars for behavior.


sheila said...

Cubby would prefer his Dad brought home some new/used heavy machinery or at the very least a cool power tool over sheets of gold stars. You might even be able to buy Cubby off with another old rusty hammer, but never gold stars.

Anonymous said...

You tell people about the living hell of getting up at 4:00am, the temper tantrums, the hissy fits and what do they do in public....behave like angels. Dang them.

Drew @ Willpower Is For Fat People said...

You are so, SO screwed with Precious.

mil said...

I don't know if you've been reading about Pamela Druckerman's book about childrearing in France (which seems to produce well-behaved children). It has seemed to me that Kristin uses the same methods as the French, and voila! they work. Either that or she actually let Cubby fly the plane, which was his plan--

Phoo-d said...

Hooray for an unexpectedly calm trip! Anna was very good on ours too. I was shocked at how she skipped into a west coast time schedule within a day. I think the input and sensory overload of traveling wipes them out and they sleep hard. Of course she caught the bronchial/croup crap once we got here...but she's still happy. Hope you are enjoying the warm sun!

jean said...

I have to agree with Drew. But who knows, you could get lucky and have two great kids who have the same sleep patterns and mood swings. It happens.

FinnyKnits said...

Maybe he's just resting up for the second kid to come along and disrupt HIS sleep...

Daisy said...

Hugs! What a wonderful kiddo.