Monday, October 14, 2013


When life hands you lemons in the form of two sick children who are producing prodigious amounts of mucous and getting up at 4:30 a.m. (because of the mucous) . . .

Plus dog shit in the back hall to clean up first thing in the morning . . .

Plus incessant rain . . .

Plus a husband who starts feeling none too chipper . . .

Plus the telltale sore throat that means it's only a matter of time before you, too, will become a walking mucous factory . . .

Make coffee. And lots of it.

Be back soon. I hope.


Becky said...

Many condolences. Here's hoping one of the dogs (the one who made the mess would be a nice touch) will run out front and flag down help ala Jack should you all go down for the count.

Anonymous said...

Yes, like Lassie saving Timmy in the well. Beth :)