Thursday, August 24, 2017

Welcome to Crazytown

Would you like a visual of what a room of insanity looks like?

Three beds for three boys. In one room.

There is no way to have three boys in one room and not have a completely ridiculous scene every night. Although at least they're IN beds now, as opposed to when they were just all on the floor. That was pretty much a gladiators arena on mattresses.

Actually, Cubby and Charlie have been pretty good about staying quiet at bedtime since they've gotten their bed frames back. Jack, however, still requires an adult presence sitting on his bed to provide a physical barrier to escape. And even then, he thrashes around in his bed for 45 minutes like a crazed eel before finally, and very suddenly, succumbing to sleep.

Bedtimes have been less than fun around here recently. But one thing that parenting multiple children teaches you is the wisdom of the saying, "This too shall pass."

We just hope it passes sooner rather than later.

1 comment:

tu mere said...

Too bad Jack couldn't stay in his crib forever. One of your brother's friends had something rigged up on his son's bed to keep him in it, but I can't remember what it actually was, and your system sounds way more civilized. Can't wait to be there to experience it firsthand.