Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Sad Development

I am sorry to announce that there will be no baby chicks. Sniff. The hatchery just called to tell me that the chicks just didn't hatch. We had ordered a special, sort of rare breed that was on backorder or simply sold out everywhere, so there's no way we'll be able to find more before it gets too cold. This means no chickens until spring. And the coop will stand empty and silent all winter long . . .

Can you hear the ghostly cheeps of the chicks that might have been?

I know this is a crushing blow for many of you (read: Jive Turkey), and I am sorry you will have to bear this disappointment. Does this make you feel better?

Mia is sorry she is not tiny and covered in yellow fluff.

Now, this. This makes me feel better.

A new tractor compensates for many disappointments in life.

But we always come back to the cold, hard truth in the end: there will be no photos of fluffy chicks on this site. At least until May. Boo.


SaraPMcC said...

Oh, sorry about the chicks. They would've been so cute.

Is that Mowesha?

Anonymous said...

Wow. A new tractor. Now that's really exciting. Sorry about the chickens. However, I have to admit, I was happy that you were going to have a readily available white meat protein source in your diet (and not the other white meat). Guess we'll have to wait until next year to visit.

Anonymous said...

On reexamination of the photo, is it just me or does the shed/chicken coop lean somewhat (nothing against the builder)?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Sara: I believe you have named the new tractor. This one can be a girl, because it's pretty and actually works without being a pain in the ass.

I know, Mom--I'm going to have to BUY chicken meat at the store. I don't know if I can force myself to do it.

And yes, the coop may slope, but only because the whole freakin' property slopes. Down to the lake. We have no level land. This makes construction a challenge.

Sweet Bird said... for no chicks. I remember having chickens when I was very young. I was terrified of them until my mother taught me how to get the eggs without them pecking your hand to bloody bits.

MsPicketToYou said...

it's late and i'm half drunk:

is it wrong that i am so bummed about the chicks and could care less about the tractor? especially since i just a read a story about a tractor to a kid.

i like chicks. i don't love machines.


Anonymous said...

But...but I...wha...

*bites knuckle*

(And yes, cute doggie helps. But...chicks...!)