Where we live is designated an agricultural zone, which means we can burn stuff on our property. Some people burn all their trash. We don't, but only because I won't let A. try to burn everything. But we DO burn all our lawn junk--the branches, the weeds, the little bits of this and that I rake up, and the bamboo. We have a pretty big bamboo forest. It started out as a small planting about 10 years ago and is slowly creeping down into the hollow and heading for our neighbor's. Not so good. Bamboo is really pretty, and also useful, but it is highly invasive. Like, scary invasive. Like, you go out one day and there are 20 new bamboo shoots that have come out of nowhere. Creepy.

Plotting to take over the world.
We had to cut a large swath of the bamboo forest down to run the fence through it for the new pasture. So we (meaning ME) hauled all the cut-down bamboo to the burn pile and started that bad boy burnin'. And then I discovered something marvelous.
Bamboo is the most fun combustible material ever. Yes.
First, the leaves catch, with a big "whoosh!", sending a pillar of flame into the sky. Like so.

Feel free to provide your own whooshing sound effects here.
And THEN, it gets even BETTER. Because bamboo has air pockets in the stems. And those air pockets explode when the bamboo burns, making it sound like pistol shots. Or fireworks. Except without the sparkly part. But STILL. Fireworks! From bamboo! I'm such a woodchuck!
Isn't it nice I can provide my own entertainment?
My son's favorite part about going to my dad's farm is that you can burn stuff. I'd best not let him read this blog or he'll be pestering Granddad to plant some bamboo.
Should I be worried about you?
Someone should have planted CLUMPING bamboo versus RUNNING bamboo. It's hardly invasive at all. Oh well, if you did that you wouldn't get to play firebug.
Dude, you need some pandas. Don't burn them, though. They don't make fun pistol noises - they just scream.
YES. Burning things is awesome. I love burn piles. Gasoline makes it doubly fun.
Love your blog. I get to live vicariously through it. ;)
We will be doing some big burn piles once there is snow on the ground to minimize the danger of things getting out of control. Your bamboo would make an excellent starter for our somewhat green stacks of aspen and birch slash. We may have to settle for a splash of diesel fuel, however. Tamely, this may not provide the ignition flash and whoomph that "scmtngirl" apparently enjoys with gasoline.
First, I wanted to find that bamboo plant that someone gave me and take a match to it.
Now I'm worried about what happens if all that bamboo on your property catches fire from your inferno here.
Careful, man! I'm still harboring hopes that we'll be G&T buddies one day.
LOL. You're a riot! I wish I had bamboo just so I could try this out myself. Sounds fun! When I was growing up we always had a big burn pile too off a ways from the house. But we would stock up on sausages and marshmellows to cook over it for dinner :).
Look at you, always livin' on the wild side!
Bamboo is the devil.
That is all.
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