Monday, March 9, 2009

I Know This Much Is True

I would be a terrible long-distance trucker. Not that I didn't already suspect that perhaps cross-country transport would be an inappropriate career choice for me, but this trip has confirmed that suspicion.

My dad and I drove from San Antonio to Tucson yesterday. That would be 928 miles. Let me repeat that: 928 miles. We were in the truck for 13 hours, and we were stopped to get gas and pee for a total of 27 minutes of that whole 13 hours. Yes, we kept track. I'm surprised we were able to get out of the truck without assistance by the time we got to my parents' house in Tucson.

But! The odyssey is complete, all persons and items have survived the trek intact (if a tiny bit stiff and sore--that would be us, not the items in the truck), and we didn't have to sleep in another hotel last night, which is why we pushed on all the way to Tucson instead of stopping in El Paso as per the original plan. We'll unload the truck today and return it. I will not give ita fond farewell.

I can now put all of that behind me and concentrate on more fun things. Like the birthday cake for my dad that is in the oven at this very moment and the birthday celebration with my family tonight that will include dorky hats and noisemakers, because it's a family tradition.

It's good to be with my kinfolk.


Anonymous said...

Just thinking about driving 928 miles makes me all itchy. But YAY, you're there! I could really go for some Tucson right now.

jean said...

13 hours? Bless you. Did you at least get the chance to drive? My father NEVER lets me drive. I am there just because "your mother said I couldn't go alone". Good times.

Allison said...

Also, El Paso is not an exciting place to stop. That is really a sucky drive, I have to say. I've driven from Austin to Sedona so I think I can say, avoid driving through west TX and east NM if at all possible.

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it there safely! What kind of cake is baking?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Jean: Oh yes, I drove. We stopped every two hours to potty, get gas, and switch drivers. Equality was our watchword. Also, neither of us likes to drive, so it was only fair to share the pain.

Allison: No, El Paso did not look exciting. Well, it may have been exciting in the sense that I have never seem so many border patrol vehicles IN MY LIFE. God bless America.

Sara: A reduced sugar devil's food cake. Because we are wild and crazy guys.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your father!! And woo hoo for the mega cross country trip - wow.... enjoy the party and the time with A.!

FinnyKnits said...

Welcome back to AZ! Enjoy the cake :)

Daisy said...

Oh, my goodness. Just thinking about that long drive makes me feel stiff! I hope you have a few days -- and lots of Aleve -- to let you unwind.