Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rodney Dangerfield and I

We get no respect.

Yesterday morning Otty and Rita decided to go on a little walkabout. They got through the fence and wandered over to our neighbor's, who called to tell me she had seen them. So I went to the top of the pasture and called them, knowing they had to still be within hearing range. No response.

I called them intermittently for the next twenty minutes with no success. I, who feeds them, loves them, showers them with affection, and tends them when they're sick. Then A., who does none of those things, came home. He called them and they were at the pasture gate within 45 seconds.



Anonymous said...

Guess A. is the authority figure .(Leader of the pack.)
You're just the mom. (lunch , baths, playmate,teacher )
Oh, I forgot , you are the official dog photographer too. :)

word verification 'weedne'
a gardener's malady
akin to tennis elbow

tu mere said...

Guess that's one for negative vs positive reinforcement - or may be the dogs were just ready to come home anyway. As a side - I wonder how many hours of your life have been and will continue to be spent trying to find/round up various animals at the homestead. Probably not a question you want answered.

Anonymous said...

I think that the problem here is that Rita knew that we needed a new, updated picture of her, grown up now and without her Victorian collar. It was her way of getting your attention.

x said...

We're having the same problem at my house. Our dog, Penny, follows me around like, well a dog, and kinda gives Jake the cold shoulder. I feel so bad cuz he loves her so much, but what can ya do? I guess that's a better question for A. LOL!

Alyssa said...

Same thing happens here. Apparently I'm not the pack leader either. Prepare yourself, because mothering a little boy can feel the same way sometimes.

Anonymous said...

A AKO Jack London. Call of/to the Wild! Lance

MsPicketToYou said...

talk about an ingrate?

dude: take that second paragraph and apply it to parenthood.

Anonymous said...

A AKA, military acronyms confuse me at times......