Friday, May 6, 2011


Exciting news, poppets: It's looking like we'll have a second straight day of sunshine. I know! Shocking!

It was still pretty wet and muddy yesterday, but things are drying out quickly. I think the puddles are even gone from the garden. If we're lucky, it will be dry enough to plant some more things tomorrow. I hope so, anyway, because we're behind in pretty much everything. It would also be nice if the asparagus and lettuce would actually grow. Not that I blame them for sulking; it's been very sulky weather in general so far this spring.

Right now I must get outside and hang a second load of laundry on the line. And pick up the millions of sticks and branches on the front lawns so that A. can mow tomorrow.

Here's hoping your day is also merry and bright!


Sherry said...

This has been a depressing winter and spring all around. I'm afraid to put my snow boots away for the summer just yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm still carrying a shovel, boots, mittens, hat, and other winter supplies in my car. If I remove and store them, I'm afraid it will snow again...

Anon. in Minnesota

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Anon. in Minnesota! I am about to take my winter coat to the cleaners! Having faith in spring, Mary in MN