Friday, May 13, 2011

You Should Probably Thank Blogger

Things I had already written about in my head for today include:

1) Cubby has a cold again, but now he can blow his nose into a tissue! If I hold it to his face. Clear evidence of precociousness.

2) I used the air conditioning in the awesome Subaru for the first time yesterday. This is the first time in about six years that I have had a car with functioning air conditioning and it is just about as exciting as you can imagine. That is, VERY.

3) I ended up having to plant some paste tomato seedlings yesterday that A.'s aunt brought me, because they were tall and flopping out of their tiny peat pots. So Phase Two of the Tomato Crazy commenced early this year.

4) We moved the chicken tractor out onto grass a few days ago so the chicks could enjoy our crazy warm weather. This morning I decided to see if I could move the chicken tractor onto fresh grass by myself, just by lifting one side and dragging it slowly so the chickens would shuffle along with it. I can. I can also accidentally let out one of the chicks while moving it, which ran mindlessly around the perimeter of the tractor for a couple of minutes with me in pursuit before it came face to face with Mia and threw itself back into the tractor through a tiny hole in the chicken wire in panic. So thanks for helping me get the stupid chick back into the tractor and not biting its head off, Mia! You're aces.

But then Blogger was down this morning, which spared all of you from full-length posts about any of these inconsequential and trivial topics. So you see, you should thank Blogger for that.

Happy Friday, poppets!


Anonymous said...

And, we lost your Thursday post and pictures!

Sherry said...

Does anyone know what the problem was??? My post from yesterday is gone. Now I can get into some other blogs, but not all

Anonymous said...

Thursday post and pictures are back!