Monday, October 3, 2011

This Post Brought to You By a Photo Dump

Let's see what random images have been languishing on my camera for a week now because I'm too lazy to plug the thing into my computer and upload them . . .

Ah. The mighty raccoon hunters, here awaiting the possibility that a baby squirrel will fall out of this tree and into their waiting mouths. Which it did, later in the day. Sucks for the squirrel, but one less rodent to scratch around in the attic directly over our bed.

A boy and his cat. Cubby is an equal opportunity pet lover.

Big boys get to drink their own tea out of their own mug like the big people do. Sitting on their own chair. It was pretty exciting. Also, as you can see, pretty cute.

Also on my camera but not posted here is a picture that A. took of his homemade knife--what I insist on referring to as his shiv, much to his displeasure--on top of the rabbit he skinned with it. (The rabbit wasn't skinned yet, though. That would have been too gross.) I figured you didn't really need to see a dead bunny and its skinning implement first thing on a Monday. You're welcome.


Domestic Dilettante said...

Can we just call this blog Cubby and every day you post a new cute photo of said adorable child?

You are making me miss the toddler years. Which I never thought I'd miss. But with a daughter about to graduate from high school, that mug shot really got me.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Cubby photos are much more appreciated on a Monday morning than blood and guts first thing.
Another veterinarian in the making possibly? Beth

tu mere said...

Pictures rock. It's like I'm back visiting, but I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. I'd still rather be there in person, but the bed thing makes me glad to be home.

Marcy said...

I love it when little kids look like wise, old folks. But seriously, you have squirrels in your attic too?

FinnyKnits said...

The little chair handmade by your dad, no? Wild cuteness, that.