All together now: AWWWWW.
I should probably mention that not all the puppies are black like this. Without getting too far into the genetics of collie breeding (because I don't really understand it myself, but we'll pretend I do), I'll just say that since Otty is a smooth (short-coated) tri-color (black) collie and she was bred to a rough (fluffy) sable (brown) collie, the puppies could have been either black or brown, smooth or rough. At the moment, I believe we have three roughs, three smooths, three blacks, and three browns, but I can't remember how many of the brown ones will be fluffy and how many of the black ones will be smooth. There are a lot of variables, and it's all very confusing. You can trust me on this, though: They'll all be cute.
And just because I don't want Mia to think I don't still love her best, even though there are all these new, small, precious little bundles of wriggling puppy flesh about, I'm going to post a photo of her. Also because she's weird and amusing, and I wanted to share that with you.
I looked out the dining room window yesterday and saw Mia perched on top of the pile of garden compost, surveying the land from her great height for all the world like a monarch on the throne.
And now that everyone has had their puppy fix, I'll be going now. Have a lovely day.
Awww...very cute! We'll need weekly progress reports! Mia looks like she has a fun personality.
AWWWW, puppies. It's been 7 years since we've had a puppy here at Chiot's Run. We got Lucy as a wee pup from the local pound. You sure will have a lot of cuteness around for a while (followed by a lot of mess & orneriness).
Awwww, look at the little paw! Cuteness overload!
Adorable. It's fun to see how their proportions look all askew now, and they'll be so gorgeous when they grow up.
Queen Mia looks very regal on her compost throne. And her babies are beautimous.
Mia is sitting there because she needed her bum to be warmed? The puppy is adorable. Are they making little noises?
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