Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sound the Trumpets

The first green growing things (besides weeds) have been spotted in the gardens!

In the vegetable garden, the brave little garlic shoots have poked their heads above ground already. They'll have some harsh weather to endure before they can really start to grow, but then they'll take off and before you know it, I'll have a year's supply of garlic scapes again. Wheee!

In the flower gardens, A. spotted the first tiny snowdrops. They're just waiting for the first day with relatively warm sunshine to open up their wee white flowers.

They may have to wait awhile for that, though. Our forecast is looking distinctly more Winter than Spring. We have another load of firewood coming today, because we already burned through all the wood we bought in the fall, plus all the wood that A. cut himself, but we've still got at least two more months of woodstove weather to get through.

But we, like the garlic, will endure the last months of wintery weather, secure in the knowledge that it will end sometime, the flowers will bloom, the garden will grow, and life will be warm and green once again. Amen.


granny said...

So glad you have some signs of spring.I know you have a very cold winter,but does it get hot there in summer?I dont know too much about the weather in your part of the world.Im hanging out for Autumn here(you call it fall,I think)

Phoo-D said...

Oh I'm jealous! The first green - that is exciting. We are planning to plant garlic for the first time this fall. Do you have a variety that you like?

The Country Experience said...

Whoohoo! I never get tired of that first glimpse of green hope.

Daisy said...

Are you kidding? I didn't see any green yet, but here I'm thankful. Any poor misguided green shoots trying to grow in February would be slammed by the March snows. Or by the late February snows, like the one we're getting today.