Saturday, April 25, 2009

Animal Things

Yesterday, we said good-bye to the first puppy to leave the brood.

You can see he's going to a good home.

But let us not forget the sheep. The ram has to be sheared today. Sigh.

I should note it's supposed to get to 85 degrees today.

Okay, no more dawdling! We have a ram to catch, a fleece to shear. Onward.


Phoo-D said...

Awww...that will be a great home for the puppy! What a happy kid. Good luck shearing- it sounds awfully hot to be working with wool!

Susan said...

When did those puppies get to be the size of sheep? Have fun sweating, I mean shearing!

Amy said...

I got a dog that needs shearing, too. Shall I send her over?

sheila said...

Look at the long legs on that pup. Time to venture forth in the world!