Friday, May 15, 2009

Happiness Is . . .

We are beginning a very happy time of year for me: garden produce season. It's also a very strenuous time of year, of course, with all the planting and the weeding and the staking . . . but also easier, in a way. I LOVE not having to think about buying vegetables at the store, love just walking 50 feet to the garden and picking something for dinner, or lunch, or whatever. When the garden is producing, I have way more variety and options than I ever did buying stuff at the grocery store. This is especially true for the perishable things, like herbs and lettuce and spinach. I may buy some of that stuff, but then it has to be used right away, and I won't just have it on hand if I get the urge to make, say, tuna salad.

Not a hypothetical example.

You're green with envy, aren't you? Get it? GREEN? HAAA. Okay, sorry.

The day I was creating my bamboo masterpiece for the tomatoes, I was wandering around looking at the things growing in the garden. It occurred to me as I took note of the chives and chervil and dill and spinach that I had all the ingredients for really good tuna salad. So I gathered it all up, washed it, chopped it, and YUUUM. Now, the odds of me having this combination of things in my refrigerator from the store? Zero. But there it all was in the garden, just waiting to be harvested.

For me, happiness is a garden full of fresh herbs and vegetables.

What makes you happy, duckies?


Leslie said...

I LOVE getting warm towels out of the dryer (or off of the line when I lived in AZ) and snuggling up in them. It's the simple things in life, right?

I also really like checking things off of to-do lists.

Garden Pheenix said...

I whole heartedly agree with you :c) There is something epic about just wandering out and having your choice. I am so frustrated lately at having to buy veggies and what not. But SOON! Not more *^_^*

Also fresh sheets fresh off the line is my bliss. No words.

Sweet Bird said...

Food. Food most definitely makes me happy.

I'm hoping to eventually have a garden so that I can grow exactly what I want, to have it when I want. Buying fresh herbs gets really expensive.

And actually yes, there is a chance that we could get stationed in upstate New York. I think if that happens I may come screaming to you for support....

x said...

Woman, sometimes reading your blog makes me feel very guilty. This is one of those times.

Amy said...

It makes me happy when....the pets won't snuggle with anyone but me. :)

Chiot's Run said...

I am equally happy that it's garden produce season. I am learning to love to eat seasonally, so I don't eat beans all year, I eat them in season. It's so great to look forward to pea season, bean season, corn season and tomato season. YUM YUM.

Sara said...

Happiness is a warm gun. According to The Beatles, anyway.

Daisy said...

Mmm. I'm going to plant lettuces this weekend. Tomatoes and peppers will have to wait another week; frost warnings Saturday night!
And yes, growing my own food, even this small amount, is peaceful and satisfying.

Mayberry Magpie said...

Saturday morning, cup of coffee, the newspaper, and my blogs. Happy, happy, happy!

SaintTigerlily said...

The garden, without a doubt, and particularly here in NYC. "Powerful" is probably not exactly the right word...but that's exactly how I feel when I can just walk outside and grab our nightly veggie.

I finally got around to adding you to my blogroll by the way...I hope that's ok. :)

mdvelazquez said...

Fresh vegetables, especially tomatoes make me happy. I wish I had the room to grow more. I'm anxiously awaiting my first crop.