Monday, August 10, 2009

Opinion Poll

We had some serious thunderstorms last night. All night long, I was waking up to flashes of lightning and cracks of thunder. Then that storm would move off and another would move in. As long as I don't have to be outside during thunderstorms, I love them. But I know some people are terrified of them.

What say you, poppets: Yay or nay on the thunderstorms?


Anonymous said...

Storms were a lot easier for me to love before it came to pass that I am the sole caretaker of the property. Now it's more like oh no, hope the basement is not leaking! Oh! Is that the crash of limbs breaking and falling? Is that wind noise, or is the creek in the yard? A bit harder to enjoy, doncha' know.

Kay said...

I love lying awake listening, unless we are in a tornado watch or the winds really start to whipping around. A week ago we had 60-70 mph winds. I hid in the basement and slept.

Leslie said...

I have never experienced thunderstorms like the ones out here. The thunder sounds like bombs dropping out of the sky. Car alarms go off and dogs start to howl. I finally know what "weather" is all about - not just sunny and warm with occassional clouds.

Susan said...

Yay, yay, yay!!

Chiot's Run said...

Love love love them!

Anke said...

I used to like thunderstorms a lot more than I do now. We have tornadoes here, and every thunderstorm now has me worried.

Susan said...

The Susans are unanimous.

(I had to hunt and peck that, because I have a muffin in my right hand and I can't touch type one-handed. When I looked up to see what I had written, it said, "the Susans ate unanimous." Which is fitting.)

Anonymous said...

Love storms. I want to take the time out to thank you for posting every day. It makes it so much more enjoyable that we can be sure you will have posted something for us to read daily. Thanks kiddo.

mdvelazquez said...

I like them as long as I'm inside.

We also had severe storms this morning as I was leaving for work.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Why, you're welcome, Anonymous. And thank YOU for coming here to READ everyday. Otherwise, what would be the point in my posting every day?

Other than for my own entertainment, of course, since I find myself exceedingly amusing.

Phoo-D said...

We had thunderstorms this weekend too, only we were in a tent in the middle of nowhere. Not fun.

I used to love thunderstorms but since moving to a place where they bring the real possibility of tornados, I have become quite terrified of the storms.

Anonymous said...

If they don't come with tornados or big hail then I like them. I grew up in earthquake zone (AK ) and I think that I would rather have that then a tornado.Earthquakes just BAM! they happen. Big storms are tracked and watched and you start to worry as you see the doom marching toward you.

Anonymous said...

My grandmother's backyard ended in a gully and then a railroad track (I cringe to remember how we played on these tracks!). But I slept like a baby through the train's nightime visits. Now, my husband asks me from his sickbed if I heard the terrible rains and thunder and I tell him absolutely not. But I hear him call my name during the night...

Daisy said...

We had a wild lightning storm Friday night; it seemed the lightning wouldn't stop! My daughter decribed it as looking like a strobe light. It makes me feel grateful to live in a sturdy house with a relatively new roof.

moi said...

Not OK with the lightening at all. Thunder is fine while I'm safely inside, but lightening will move me away from all windows to the center of the house. Yes, I am a coward.

rls said...

Love 'em! We had some really good ones here last night, too. We were sitting out on the porch during one HUGE thunderclap - it shook the ground and the house and you could feel it inside your chest, more so than probably any other one I've ever experienced. It was great (because I was safely under cover and not, oh, camping or something)!

sweetbird said...

I love, love, love thunderstorms! Especially in Florida.

While driving through Texas two weeks ago the husband and I stopped for gas. Cue big lightning strike right across the street that knocked out a transformer and therefore the power to everything in sight. We then had to drive down a road to get back on the highway that was engulfed in flames for at least 1/4 mile.

That was terrifying.

Me no likey lightning nearly as much now.

Anonymous said...

Nope. They birth tornadoes which terrify me. The thunder makes my heart palpitate. And I had a very close call with lightning a few years ago. Nope.