Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well Then

When I was in the Small City on Friday, I stopped by the Salvation Army thrift store to see if I could find another pair of maternity jeans (I didn't). There were maybe six or seven other cars in the parking lot when I got there. And I noticed as I was walking into the store that my car was by far the most decrepit in the Salvation Army parking lot.

I'm sure that says something. But I don't think I want to know what it says.


sheila said...

Your car has depreciated in value as much as it's going to. Now you can drive and not worry about it. Make sure the exhaust system is in good shape so you don't give yourself or the future man cub carbon monoxide poisoning and all is good.

Haley said...

I think having a decrepit car can be a good thing. If it's still running, anyway. It shows you aren't vain enough to trade in a perfectly good car for something prettier. My car is personally quite decrepit, and I don't care.

Anonymous said...

My car runs great , doesn't look so good. But, my insurance is super cheap as car insurance goes.. 178 or so for a year and the plates are about 50 bucks...I can spend the money that would've been spent on those things for others I want more.

word verification 'hemes'
a smaller pile of stuff left over than usual after a man gets done fixing something.

Mayberry Magpie said...

It says you live on a farm.

I've never known a farmer in my life with a nice car. It's that farmer thrift, which is not a bad thing.

Pat said...

It says you're shopping in the right place! LOL!