Monday, December 28, 2009


The Ultimate Cake

What you see there is my birthday cake. I saw the recipe here months ago and thought to myself that that was the cake for me. I also thought to myself that there was no way I would make that cake myself, what with the multiple steps and hours required to put it all together. See, it's three layers of chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, AND THEN a chocolate glaze.

I mean, really. Who would go to all that trouble for a cake?

Luckily, someone I happen to live with would.

The MiL, dauntless baker that she is, spent most of yesterday afternoon engaged in cake preparation, so that when A. and I got home from dinner (ravioli with meatballs--yum) there was this towering cake, looking all artistic and tasting, I must tell you, even better than it looked.

Be warned, however: This is a serious cake. For real. I am not known for my restraint when it comes to cake eating, but even I couldn't have eaten two pieces of this. But then, that might have had something to do with the heavy Italian meal consumed prior to the cake. In any case, it is an exceedingly rich cake. Which makes it just to my taste.

Incidentally, the MiL asked me who I was going to get to help me eat all this cake. I pretended that maybe I would bring some to a New Year's Eve party we will be attending, but honestly? I'll probably eat it mostly by myself. Because I am just that greedy.

And this cake really is just that good.


sweetbird said...

What is it?!

Anonymous said...

Bless the MiL!

Anonymous said...

Someone there loves you very much. All that effort for your birthday cake. Doesn't that make you feel warmer at cold ol' blackrock?

word verification 'yaladmen'

canadian younger male person

Mayberry Magpie said...

Have I mentioned how much I love your MiL? :-)

Honestly, she's a champ.

Julie said...

I clicked that link, it does look seriously intense. It also looks worth the effort..yummo!

Phoo-D said...

That is one seriously gorgeous cake! Bravo MiL!

SaintTigerlily said...

Haha! Awesome! Happy Birthday fellow Capricorn!!!

FinnyKnits said...

Oh TEE DAH! That looks and sounds awesome. Peanut butter chocolate cake? With two frostings?

Hello, lover.

Daisy said...

YUM!!! Eat it for breakfast, then for dessert and snacks, and it'll be gone in no time at all.

Suzanne said...

No one made me that beautiful cake, since it's my bithday also I'll help you eat yours. Hope you have many more.

Alicia said...

You could, uh, send a slice to me.... :)

Susan said...

Don't be silly, you're sharing it with us. Whatever happens after you cut a piece of cake for someone is neither here nor there.


Anonymous said...

Let them eat cake! Enjoy, you are eating for two so that means twice as much cake must be consumed.

I'm thinking I have to make one for New Years Eve. To hell with waiting for my birthday.

Anonymous said...

Yummmm. . . I used to make a killer carrot cake. But my favorite cakes now are those that other people make.

P. Rove