Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Photographic Follow-Up

I'm still pretty tired today, which is probably because I did not so much rest yesterday as haul chairs back to the barn, move furniture, wash linens, vacuum, sweep, and generally clear up from the Easter festivities. No photos of that, though, because, well, I was busy and does anyone really need to see pictures of empty wine bottles and dirty napkins? No.

But you DO need to see photos of the tomato seedlings I transplanted to bigger pots during Cubby's second nap. Yes, you do. Just trust me on this.

See? You NEEDED to see this. Don't deny it.

Just like Belle NEEDED to take the only open spot on the table for a nap. Weirdo.

I have about 75 transplanted, with 30 or so still to do. But I ran out of pots. So those 30 have to wait until A. gets to the Small City to get some more pots for me.

And let's see what else we had on the camera . . .

We have proof that I don't ALWAYS wear mud-stained jeans and faded sweatshirts. Just ALMOST always.

Oh yeah, and proof that Cubby is a total ham. Also, extremely cute in his nerdy argyle sweater vest.

Those were from Easter, obviously. Unfortunately, there was no opportunity to take a family photo when all of us were dressed up and Cubby was awake, so we continue our long tradition of not ever having all three of us in a picture at the same time.

I don't seem to have any pictures of the chicks or the chicken tractor yet, so I'll remedy that today and maybe tomorrow will be an All-Chicks Photo Post.

Or maybe one of the dogs will tree a raccoon and boot the chicks as a post topic once again. You never do know at Blackrock.


Sara said...

Cubby is super cute. I love his vest! Nice to see you make an appearance, too. :)

Alicia said...

OMG the Cubby picture is soooo cute! And you clean up well! :)

Anonymous said...

Cubby is a sweetie...oh yes, and you looked good too.

Daisy said...

Cubby looks awesome in his nerdy argyle. Such an adorable smile, too!

Word verification: eggled -- getting hints in an Easter egg hunt.

FinnyKnits said...

I just broke into a cold sweat looking at all those tomato seedlings.

Good lord are you going to be canning your ass off. Whoa.

Nice Easter shots - that kiddo is a complete HAM. Awesome.