Sunday, July 3, 2011

Feats of Strength

Telling you that A. is really strong is like telling you that Cubby is really cute, or that I really like potatoes. Understatement. That's what calling A. "really strong" is.

He's not a small man anyway, but his strength relative to his size is really phenomenal. Phenomenal in the literal sense, in that he's something of a phenomenon when it comes to lifting heavy things. Not weights on a bar, although he can do that, too. No, his incredible strength gets used with some frequency at Blackrock for practical applications like lifting the lawn tractor so I can put jack stands under it or lifting the washing machine so the dogs can kill a woodchuck.

Or this.

No one should be able to lift that stone like that. That thing weighs probably 350 pounds. But that was the stone that A. wanted for the end cap on the foundation wall. I couldn't even budge one side of it. So he lifted it into place by himself. It was, as the MiL remarked, impossible. But somehow A. made it possible.

He's a useful sort of man to have around. I think we'll keep him.


Anonymous said...

He doesn't think he CAN'T do it...that is a big part of the battle along with all the strength.
Way to go A. Beth

word verification - unripr

someone who is not A.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope he doesn't develop a hernia after that kind of exertion.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Blackrock never defeats A. Mary in MN

Sherry said...

Ugh! My back hurts just looking at those pictures!

Alicia said...

WOW! You know, if that lawyering thing never works out, he could always be in one of those woodsman competitions.

rls said...

A. stands for Awesome.

Lana from Farm Life Lessons said...

He's like my husband...nuts, then they end up with the aching back! But, their determination never ceases to amaze me. Good you got that on your camera and that you didn't make him laugh. That would have been a disaster.

Drew @ Willpower Is For Fat People said...


FinnyKnits said...


Get that man on the Strongman Challenge NOW.

I love crazy strength like that. Go dudes!