Friday, November 4, 2011

The Birds

This is the time of year for birds. Probably just because the leaves are dropping off the trees and so we can actually see them, or maybe because particularly this year I spend every moment with a tiny budding ornithologist who delights in pointing out every single bird. Whatever the reason, the birds, they are everywhere.

Yesterday morning Cubby and I were outside around 8:30, hanging sheets on the clothesline and burning leaf piles, when he announced the presence of birds. I looked up, and sure enough, there were a bunch of crows. And then there were more. And more and more and more and more. They came in waves. I would think they were all gone, and then there would be another bunch of them, silently flying overhead. We must have seen 200 crows fly over the house.

I suspect that they spend the night in the gully near the house and then take off for the cornfields early in the day. I'll have to keep an eye out in the next few days to see if this is their pattern.

I had explained to Cubby that the birds were crows, and so when he saw some more birds overhead, he proudly announced, "Co!"

Except they weren't crows--they were seagulls. Once again, at least a hundred of them in small groups, taking the same general flight path as the crows. Except seagulls don't sleep in the gully, so I don't know what was up with that. Or maybe they DO sleep in the gully. What do I know? My knowledge of birds is pretty limited.

Although with Cubby around, I think that knowledge may be growing exponentially in the near future.


Jenn said...

"hanging sheets on the clothesline and burning leaf piles"


I too live with my MiL - a pyro Mil. I love her to bits but she just *has* to light a pile of something when my washing is out drying. Hubby:- 'why does my shirt stink of smoke?' Me:- 'ask your mother'. I chased her 'round our field once, after several days of smoky laundry, and smacked her bum - I was only half joking.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Jenn: No worries. The burning leaves were downwind of the clothesline.

mil said...

Double no worries. I have many sins, but one thing I live in horror of is people burning leaves where smoke can get on laundry.

Jenn said...

Lol. 'the wind was blowing the other way when I lit it' is my MiL's favouite excuse :)

I blame my upbringing.

The house I grew up in was in a more built up area (we're pretty rural here) I remember everytime we had a barbeque my mum would make me and my sister knock on all the houses around us and warn them to take their washing in/not put any out...

rockygrace said...

Oh, the birds ... google "murmuration". It's amazing.