Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Follow Up

Thank you all for your felicitations on our momentous news.  Some quick items of interest:

Lindsey:  Yes, we are happy.  No worries on that account.  I guess my limerick wasn't clear enough on that point.

edh wins for the best comment yesterday, because it was in limerick form.  Perhaps I should require that all comments on this site be made in limerick form.  Perhaps that would guarantee that no one would ever comment again.  But I can encourage it, right?  Right.  So anytime you want to write a limerick in the comments, I would be most pleased.

The child's current name, courtesy of A., is Precious Cargo.  As in, "How's the Precious Cargo today?"  We are open to other naming options, however.  Beth:  Chainsaw is not one of them, although Burl has definite possibilities.

My due date is technically July 15, although I have scant faith in due dates, thanks to the early arrival of Cubby.  What is certain, however, is that this child will be born at a time of year that is much more hospitable to vulnerable new life than poor Cubby's time of arrival.  I never want to have a newborn at Blackrock in February again, thanks.

This timing means that I was newly pregnant on the day when I was whining about cutting up the deer.  Although I am extremely fortunate to be among the minority of pregnant women that never throws up, NO ONE should be cutting up a dead animal in the first stage of pregnancy.  It is unappealing in the extreme.  But I did it anyway.  Where's my prize?

Yes, we will find out the sex.  I am too much of a control freak to wait until the birth.  That appointment will be in March sometime.  Start placing your bets now!


sheila said...

Ok, I'm voting for a sister for Cubby. Precious Cargo sounds like a good name.... but if you get morning sickness, then you can rename the little one, Freeloader.

Sherry said...

Oh, my goodness! I miss one day of your posts and look what I missed. Congratulations. It'll be interesting to hear what "blog" name you come up with for this one!

Anna said...

No joke Kristin, I went to school with a girl whose real name was Precious Darling!

Anonymous said...

We once had a kitten named Burl,
a tortoise shell colored girl,
she clung to a tree,
with such gravity,
we gave the obvious name a whirl.
Golly moses...stress my morning brain.
"Precious Cargo" is so endearing.
But being it will be a boy...I just don't think precious will be woodchuck enough for him.:)

Drew @ Willpower Is For Fat People said...

Cubby soon will be joined by another
Woodchuck, a new sister or brother.
Precious Cargo, dear heart,
Won't do the hard part,
Leaving that up to his or her mother.

Word verification: fluclu -- what the Chinese waiter in A Christmas Story says when he's pissed off.

Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

I remember the WORST nausea when I was cleaning out the chicken coop and 6 weeks pregnant. When I came back in my H told me it was the first time I actually looked green. Fun.
But what we get at the end is so awesome! (minus the no sleeping thing).
I think it's a girl!

Joan @ Debt of Gratitude said...

I'm betting on a girl. Not because I have any special knowledge of these things (although I have lots of special knowledge about stupid stuff, like naps and junk television), but because I want you to have one of both. It is great fun! You get to see human development up close and personal in both the feminine and masculine form. It's fascinating (truly).

Sara said...

I'm a day behind! Congratulations, Kristin! This is wonderful news!

Glenda in CO said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! More delightful material for you to entertain us with!

Coll said...

If you are looking for another name, how about Lambie it kind of goes along with the both the Blackrock and Cubbie themes especially if it winds up a girl.