I might say the following to A. in ten years:
"Hey, remember that night when Charlie was four months old and woke up every hour all night long, so I was bouncing in and out of bed like some kind of goddamn milk-producing jack-in-the-box? And Cubby woke up crying at 5:15 a.m. for unknown reasons and then spent the rest of the morning behaving like a feral child, growling and clawing and generally menacing every person and animal in his path? And Charlie woke up for the day at 7:30 a.m. and then cried for the next hour and a half, until I strapped him into his carrier and went outside with him and Cubby, where I stood and bounced Charlie up and down for two hours until I felt like my back was going to break? Wasn't that a GREAT morning? At least you didn't have hives."
P.S. Hey, guess what? I feel like complete and utter shit today, for obvious reasons. Whee.
You have my utmost sympathy. This too will pass. Mary in MN
Really, really, really sucks. Burning eyes, uber-tired body, absolutely no sense of humor whatever. Do you think kids pick up on negative vibes through walls and react accordingly the rest of the day? Does it even matter? Better day Saturday? So many questions; absolutely no answers!
You know, I'm certain I endured something like this. But the memories are sooooo vague I no longer wince when I try to recall the worst. So my point is, this crap eventually goes away and you won't even remember it, or if you do, it actually makes you laugh (like the time Parker had explosive diarrhea at Kate's 5th birthday party and it got ALL OVER both us so thoroughly that my only course of action was to strip us both down in the bathtub, throw away all our clothes, and bathe us together while everybody else enjoyed the party). I'm actually chuckling now. But that day -- it was pure hell. Just close your eyes and the future will be here before you know it!
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