Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A.P.D.--The Gross-out Edition

I think that in the unlikely event that I were to consult a guide to housekeeping rules--and were I to give a damn about those rules, which is even more unlikely--it would tell me to always sweep the kitchen floor after doing the dishes. But I always sweep before I do the dishes. And that is because I get really grossed out by sweeping a floor with any water on it.

I don't know if I'm just the world's drippiest dishwasher or what, but there are always little drips of water on the floor after I finish washing the dishes. And sweeping when there are drips of water on the floor leads to little muddy smears on the floor where the broom drags those drips across the floor. And worst of all is the way the dust and pet hair that collects on the bottom of the broom gets kind of damp and clumpy and OH GOD GROSS.

I know this is stupid. It's not as if I don't have a really high tolerance for nasty things*. This is just one small thing that is just irrationally nasty to me.

My sister (hi, sis!) has this thing with wiping up counters. She absolutely will not wipe little bits of food or whatever off the counters into her hand for disposal. Instead, she performs the most amazing long-distance wiping courses to keep it all in a continuous sweep to the sink. And this woman is a veterinarian. She deals with seriously gross shit on a daily basis. But the counter wiping is just too nasty for her.

So I know I'm not alone in my weird little aversion to something not too gross in the scheme of things, but repellent to me nonetheless.

And there's your question: What's something that totally grosses you out, but most other people probably never even think about?

* Considering a move to the country? You'd better not get grossed out by the sight of dead animals, parts of dead animals, decomposing animals, the smell of dead animals, or maggoty rotting flesh. You're welcome for the advice. Hope you weren't eating.


Joan @ Debt of Gratitude said...

I have a high tolerance for gross. I don't know why. Not blood. I will pass out at the sight of a few drops. But gross? No problem. I routinely pick up food off the floor and eat it. (Most people's 5-second rule is my 5-minute rule.) I eat brown bananas. I dispose of dog poop. I use a Kleenex more than once (more than a dozen times, actually, and this really grosses my family out). And I've been known to cut a little mold off bread and cheese and eat the good parts. If I didn't know me better, I'd claim I'm a male bachelor.

Anonymous said...

Spit or vomit in the street. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

A toilet bowl plunger. Beth

Drew @ Willpower Is For Fat People said...

Taking a bite off of someone else's fork.

Lindsey at NW Backyard Veggies said...

When people share drinks. Like passing a slurpee around or drinking out of the same soda can. I can't share drinks with anyone - not even my husband. And we suck face a lot as a married couple, so the irrational factor goes up astronomically on that one.

It seriously makes me nauseous.

(FYI - I don't sweep, like, at ALL. But when I do it is definitely NOT after doing the dishes. I'm with ya' on that one.)

sheila said...

I'm with Anonymous on the gross out factor of spit or vomit. Dog shit I can deal with, human vomit and I'll be gagging.

Anonymous said...

You're supposed to sweep after doing the dishes?

Huh. I guess I missed that one...

FinnyKnits said...

Anything involving hair can activate my gag reflex.

Meanwhile, I have no issue with blood, vomit, spit or most of the things other people listed here.

But if there's a hair in the sink, stuck to the shower wall, dancing across the desktop, waving from the windshield wiper - WHATEVER - I'll have to fight to keep my breakfast down.


Anonymous said...

Awesome warning. I just canceled my move to the country. ;-)

I'm comment binging tonight after months without free time. Can you tell? ;-)