Monday, January 6, 2014

All Together with a Will

Okay! Here we go with the first official real work week of 2014! Who's ready?

Yeah. Not me*. Not A., either.

At least we had a weekend after returning home to put our lives in some semblance of order before jumping back into the routine. In my case, that meant a lot of picking up (I do not recommend leaving for a trip the morning after a Christmas celebration--chaos abounds upon return), laundry, vacuuming, mail sorting, yogurt making, and all the other dull things that restore a house to order after a ten-day absence.

In A.'s case, that meant slaughtering a couple of lambs.

He wanted to do it before we left, but what with all the Christmas and traveling preparations, I had to resolutely refuse to add butchering to the list of things to do. However, the sheep are fully into hay-eating season, and it is kind of silly to pay to feed two sheep that are only going to feed us eventually. So yesterday was the day. A. managed to not only gouge his back pretty good on a piece of barbed wire, but also to cut his knuckle to the bone when his meat saw slipped.

I think so much time in Arizona must have dulled his woodchuck instincts.

Anyway. The floors are vacuumed, there's yogurt in the fridge and two lambs hanging in the shed, and Cubby starts preschool again tomorrow.

The Family Blackrock is back.

* For correct grammar's sake, that should be "I," but saying or typing "not I" makes me feel ridiculous. Popular usage it is! Isn't it nice that English is such a hip, up-to-the-minute, and adaptable language? Or something.


Sister’s Sailor said...

I did not realize that "hip, up-to-the-minute, and adaptable" would ever be phrases used to describe life at The 'Rock! You learn something new every day...

Anonymous said...

Going back to your earlier post--I know that kids react to travel, especially air travel, much as Cubby did. I always sympathize with the parents who are trying to soothe and cope.

My question continues to be--what is it about travel that causes the reactions in little kids?

flask said...

pedantics aside, language is and always has been a living thing. english as spoken a couple hundred years ago will be barely intelligible to english speakers a couple hundred years in the future.

flask said...

pedantics aside, language is and always has been a living thing. english as spoken a couple hundred years ago will be barely intelligible to english speakers a couple hundred years in the future.