Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Great Indoors

A combination of bad colds for both kids and bad freezing weather has meant that the troops have (very uncharacteristically) been confined to quarters for the past three days. Behold, the fun to be had indoors:

A little light housekeeping (which is a total sham, as I'm sure you can see by the state of the house in the background).

Some boating.

Accessorizing, with a comb and a clothespin. ("I want to be pretty, Mommy!")

Adventures in self-feeding.

"I'm ready to ride my bucking bronco!"

Cubby's continued illness today meant that he didn't go to preschool, but nor did I want to bring him along to the pediatrician's office*. So A. stayed home with him this morning and broke our indoor streak in a spectacular fashion.

With a sled ride to the beach to view the anchor ice.

Today was the last day of excessively cold temperatures, and I am hopeful it was also the last day of the snot-nosed siblings, so we'll be back to our regularly scheduled outdoor adventures. It was an interesting three days indoors, though, without doubt.

* For those who were wondering: Charlie is still long and skinny. Also kind of a pisser at the doctor's office. Fun.

1 comment:

tu mere said...

Charlie can't be an angel all the time, now can he? Funny. When I typed angel I mistakenly typed an "r" instead of "l" at the end of the word. My fingers know a fit with they see one.

I'm sure this cold thing is getting tiresome. Seems like this has been a particularly bad winter for you all. It's good to see, at least from the pictures, that Cubby and Charlie haven't been laid too low on this one.

We're all pulling for a prompt back to school for Cubby.