Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Victory Is Ours

Or rather, victory is A.'s. Over the washing machine, I mean.

A. took the malfunctioning washing machine apart on Friday and saw right away what the problem was: A plastic piece that connects to the transmission was broken. So he ordered a new part on Amazon. It arrived yesterday. He installed it last night, and now the washing machine works.

Ten dollars, one hour, and that clever A. no longer has to do any of this:

Amusing as tub laundering was for the children, A. and I are both pleased to not have to do it anymore.

I must say, by the way, how appreciative I was that the many comments on machine-less washing offered several good tips, which we used (foot agitation, twisting water out on a pole), and not a single person was all, "Just go buy a new machine, you crazy people."

You are obviously all our kind of people. So thank you for that.

But still, even with all the handy tips to make non-machine laundering more efficient, I'm glad to have my washing machine in use again. And I'm really glad I didn't have to spend $600 to avoid tub laundering.

Three cheers for A. and old but fixable* machines.

* I'll spare you my (negative) thoughts on new and unfixable machines. Suffice to say that I will do almost anything to avoid buying a new machine, and both A. and I are very glad that this house came with an old machine that has a heavy metal transmission and easy-to-replace parts.


mil said...

I am very pleased for you!! Clever A.

Anonymous said...

Great news that the washer was a somewhat easy?, cheap? fix. Yay! to no new washer! Love the photo!

Gemma's person said...

New washers are the work of the devil! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the washer was repairable! Yay!
