Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday Food: Now with Thrilling Photos of Fractions


Short version: Tuna patties, mashed potatoes, green salad with leftover ranch dressing

Long version: I now use three 12-ounce cans of tuna to make tuna patties. That is a LOT of tuna. And it all gets eaten. Yikes.

Good thing I buy it by the case. And good thing I bought a case just about two months ago, because it is apparently not in stock online for another month. Sigh.


Short version: Tacos with leftover pork and homemade corn tortillas

Long version: Know what else is hard to find online now? Masa. I guess because it's a kind of flour? I dunno. I do not have a case of that, but the five pounds I do have should last me a little while anyway.


Short version: Barbecue mutton, sourdough biscuits, coleslaw

Long version: I bought 100 pounds of flour from King Arthur early in March, right before the great flour shortage of 2020 began. I wasn't intending to hoard flour; I just use a LOT of flour to bake all our bread and was tired of almost running out and didn't want to pay shipping more than once. And now King Arthur is apparently out of every kind flour.

This is fun, isn't it?

The mutton was the meat that came off the bones we boiled to make stock from the wether. It's not great meat after it's boiled for six hours, but good enough to mix with barbecue sauce and eat with coleslaw.


Short version: Grilled cheese sandwiches, vegetable soup, yogurt with maple syrup

Long version: There was more of the boiled mutton (yum) left, but when 3:45 p.m. rolled around, I couldn't make myself cook it. Because I didn't really want to eat it.

We had all had eggs for breakfast, so I made grilled cheese.

I still had a big bowl of sheep stock in the refrigerator, even after freezing several gallons of it, so I used some of it to make the soup. Onion, garlic, half a can of whole tomatoes that had been hanging out in the refrigerator, leftover mashed potatoes, and some frozen stir-fry vegetables. It needed more flavor, so I threw in a cube of pesto from the three left from last summer.

The soup turned out pretty well. But everyone still wanted to round the meal out with another course. Thus, yogurt with maple syrup.


Short version: Bunless hamburgers, boiled potato chunks, green salad

Long version: Yeah, "boiled potato chunks" means I was going to make mashed potatoes, but somehow ran out of motivation before getting to the actual mashing part. Luckily, boiled potatoes with plenty of butter, salt, and pepper are also good.

The salad was actually the last of the lettuce from the store mixed with the last bit of coleslaw. The coleslaw was pretty liquid-y, so it made a surprisingly good salad dressing.


Short version: Roasted Italian sausage and potatoes, frozen green beans

Long version: Funny how even though I'm home on Mondays and Wednesday, which are my work days at the school, I now have no more time to cook than I did when I was at the school all day. That's because my house is now the school, which means helping Cubby and Charlie with their schoolwork as well as completing my own work tasks, as I'm still getting paid to work from home.

It's surprisingly hectic. Or maybe not so surprising.

Anyway. On such days, sausage to the rescue!

Thanks, MiL! Again.

On a related topic, since I have to turn in all of Cubby and Charlie's work via photo attachments in e-mails to their teachers, my phone has almost zero photos of the actual children, but dozens of these:

Behold, how The New Math teaches fractions. 

So this was April Fool's Day, and I was very relieved that my children forgot about it. This, despite Cubby actually writing on the calendar the week before, "Plan April Fool jokes."

I hate April Fool's jokes. I am Not A Fun Mom, I don't enjoy shoveling Legos out of my bed before I can go to sleep (last year's brilliant joke), and I'm not sorry, either.


Short version: Mutton tacos with homemade tortillas, frozen green peas

Long version: I used the last of the mutton that came off the bones during stock-making to make the taco meat. It wasn't great, but it was okay.

I used some of A.'s green garlic as a topping on the tacos, which was very good. I must specify that this was green garlic that he had provided to me, because I'm too afraid to dig up any of his hundreds of garlic plants. He's very protective of his baby garlic.

Speaking of A. and gardening, he helped me plant the asparagus crowns that I ordered two months ago and that finally arrived this day. I was very excited.

We can't actually EAT any of the asparagus until next year, but it's anticipatory excitement.

Incidentally, A. is an excellent person to have on hand when it's time to put in a garden. The man is a digging machine. This is convenient, because I am . . . not.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


Tammy said...

Let's see...trying to remember. Since I've been home from work, I do a lot of sleeping, lol. So nice, to take a nap whenever I want. :D

Pork chops, mac n cheese, pole beans. The chops are through the guy that owns the walk in theatre in Jesup. He's ordering from his bistro supplier for the public. The chops were fantastic!

Steak, baby limas, corn. Dh found the steaks 4 for $14, and they were thick, large, and delicious. Tender, too. Win.

Chicken and noodles. Kind of like soup, but with less liquid. One pot meal.

Chili mac. Used up some of the ton of hamburger we have. With cheese, delish.

Marinated chicken (dh is the marinade king), cheesy rice w/broccoli, peas.

Spaghetti, always my fave. Not as good as my mama's, but not too bad, either.

Going under lockdown tonight, til the 13th. Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Just do you prepare your tuna burgers? Do you add any seasonings to them?
I used to make them when we were first married, but have gotten out of the habit. Now, I usually just make salmon patties using canned salmon.

stew/soup with chicken, chicken broth, lots of vegetables, leftover spaghetti sauce, rice & garlic bread
mini meatloaves, roasted sweet potatoes, spinach & mushrooms
Italian baked pork chops, sweet potatoes, broccoli
zucchini pizza with lots of vegetables, chips
salmon patties, roasted potatoes, broccoli
stew/soup with chicken breast, rice, carrots, celery, spinach & green beans on the side
And tonight, turkey burger, zucchini, tomatoes, cheese all roasted in oven & garlic bread

mil said...

Friday: polenta with cheddar cheese and broccoli. Bob's Red Mill Polenta is tasty!
Saturday: cannellini bean soup with bacon, onions, carrots, celery, parsnip and garlic.
Sunday: Bean soup with polenta.
Monday: chuck roast with carrots ad potatoes.
Tuesday: Bean soup again.
Wednesday: leftover roast.
Thursday: vegetable rotini with tomato sauce sweet potato, roasted, and Italian sausage. I ate it in courses, with the pasta first, then the sweet potato and sausage. Wine as well, so a nice dinner.

I am very interested in your asparagus. I hope it thrives--I feel that it will probably be excellent, as you have good drainage and no black walnuts to irritate it.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Linda: I don't make them into burgers, just patties. Canned chicken, bread crumbs, egg,finely diced onion, mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, dried dill weed, pepper.

Kay said...

It was a long week. I have allergies and they came on with a vengeance this week. Still working at our jobs like usual.
What we ate:
Sunday: Steaks on the grill, baked potatoes and salads
Monday: Grilled burgers, baked beans and chips
Tuesday: Pork Carnitas, homemade pico on wheat tortillas.
Wednesday: We took fat calves to the sale barn. Farmer got Tex-Mex take-out and I ate the leftover Carnitas.
Thursday: Breakfast Night Omelets, sausage, toast and smoothies
Friday: Baked Potato Soup
Saturday (today): Lunch was either grilled cheese or leftover potato soup. Supper was Frozen Pizza (for him) and a weird combo of Rice Pasta, leftover chicken chunks, artichoke hearts and olives. It was ok. I tossed the leftovers with a cream Italian dressing and will eat it as pasta salad tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe, Kristin