Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Photo Dumps Are Fun, Right?

Sure they are. And who couldn't use a little more fun in their lives?

I mean, how fun is this photo of the top of my old stove?

I do not miss this filthy black junk that got all over my kitchen.

Also fun: Blurrily captured acrobatic displays by two-year-olds.

Just after this was taken, she started to actually stand on his head, and I cruelly had to end the game.

Cookies are definitely fun, especially when they're completely made by someone who is not me. That is, by Cubby and Poppy.

Poppy was in charge of the chocolate chips, and she took her job very seriously.

And then there was the homemade pasta Cubby requested we make.

This child has definitely (and unfortunately) inherited my love of simple carbs.

There! Wasn't that fun? Back to our regular, boring lives now.


Gemma's person said...

More , more , more. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I thought something happened to your new stove with that first picture. Glad it was the old one.
Poppy does look quite serious with her chocolate chip duty.

sheila said...

Cubby is really tall or your counters are extra short. A boy that knows how to cook is going to grow up to be an exceptional man.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Sheila: He's tall. Soon to be taller than me. Eek.