Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tuesday Tips: An Attitude Exercise

(You get two posts today, since A.'s birthday happened to fall on a Tuesday. But he got precedence over a random tip. Of course.)

On the days when her brothers are at school, Poppy and I typically go for a walk. We don't get far, because, as anyone who has tried to cover any distance with a toddler knows, the point of a walk is not to actually walk.

Last week, one of her diversions was pausing at a large, dead wild sunflower plant and pulling the seeds off. She would yank some off, throw them in the air to watch them blow away in the wind, and exclaim, "TA DA! Amazin' me!"

The one and only amazin' Poppy.

I was watching her do this and thinking, "If only we could all be so pleased with ourselves all the time."

Bur really, why can't we? Instead of constantly internally criticizing ourselves, why shouldn't we be internally congratulating ourselves?

Like this:

I got the bathroom clean. TA DA! Amazin' me!

I got all the laundry washed, hung on the line, and put away. TA DA! Amazin' me!

I remembered to call about that bank account thing. TA DA! Amazin' me!

I mean, it's not as if there is generally a cheering crowd applauding your toilet-cleaning efforts. So go ahead! Be your own cheering section! It's really surprisingly effective in elevating your mood.

Although, I'm going to leave the audible self-congratulations to the toddlers. That might be a little weird coming from a 40-year-old.


Gemma's person said...

Go ahead, it might just make a 40 year old grin and that can't hurt either.
Amazin' you!

Anonymous said...

I congratulate myself out loud often. Then my 3 big dogs go crazy. Quite the party!

Anonymous said...

Much needed advice, today.

Karen. said...

Yes! Make the to-do into ta-da! It's way more fun that way. :)

mil said...

Gotta confess--some days I'm amazed at how little I get done!

Mary W said...

I've been having a really hard time at a new job lately. At the end of every day, I feel great if I complete one task. Now I have the words to put with the feeling I get. Thanks!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Mary W.: Ugh,new jobs are rough. Amazin' you, though, for getting through!

listenlady said...

Kristin, I have read your blog for years now-since Cubby was a baby! Anyway, this is off topic but I was wondering how the kids made those candles you are now using for your centerpiece? They are simple but elegant and cheerful! Thanks

Kristin @ Going Country said...

listenlady: Given that Cubby is almost 11 years old, you really have been reading a long time! They made the candles at school, so I wasn't there for the actual construction, but all they are are clean jars that have been coatedon the outside with Epsom salts. That's what gives that nice diffuse glow. Not sure what adhesive they used to keep the salts on there, but I know their teacher sprayed something over the top of the salts, too, to keep it on better. Not sure it worked too well, though, as they are shedding salts. :-) That's why I put them on a plate. The tops have a band of fake lace and then they glued on some fake berries and holly leaves. The overall effect is quite cheery.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Oh, and inside the jars are just little tea lights at the bottom.

Kay said...

Like "listenlady" I've been reading since Cubby was a baby. I remember the first time the bearcub snowsuit made it's appearance back at Blackrock. :)