Sunday, October 17, 2021

Snapshots: Sunrise, Sunset

In a bold departure, I took a sunset walk with the dogs last week, rather my typical sunrise walk. Because at sunrise it was blowing a gale, while at sunset it was calm and dry.

This meant all the dramatic light was behind the old schoolhouse, rather than the windmill you're accustomed to seeing. 

Kind of moody, as the sun was actually behind that low cloud.

It did make one last glorious appearance before going down for real, though.

I live on the corner of Fourth and Madison, which amuses me no end as it sounds like a New York City street address, but is actually . . .

Quite obviously NOT New York City.

All the other days, I had my usual (before) sunrise walk.

There's the windmill silhouette we all know and love.

Fall has definitely arrived. As proof, I present the following evidence.

Yellow-spotted apricot tree.

Morning woodstove lighting.

And the squash harvest.

And there you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures.

Gemma's person said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What's the story behind the "lean" of your street signs? Beautiful photos.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Anonymous: Not sure there's so much a story, except for the fact that there used to be a relatively big town here, and now it's almost all deserted. So no one cares if the street signs start to list in the wind.

Karen. said...

Interesting that our calabazas are completely different shapes. Hm.

Tu mere said...

Can’t wait to sample all the squash.