Monday, March 21, 2022

Monday Bouquets: Courtesy of the MiL

When the MiL came to visit a couple of weeks ago, she brought some flowers from the grocery store. Most of them are now kind of sad-looking, but I pulled out the few that still look good and stuck them in this cool little pitcher thing Cubby found somewhere on our property next door.

Looks like spring to me.

The MiL also went for a walk with Poppy while she was here and was instructed by Poppy to bring back some dead weeds, presumably in imitation of the arrangement of them I had in the middle of the table. The MiL brought back an impressive quantity, stuck them in a random jar, and put them on top of a bookcase.

I'm pretty sure she was only doing this under pressure by Poppy, and therefore didn't take a great deal of care in their presentation, but they looked so interesting there by the lamp that I left them there.

As long as my view of the clock isn't blocked, it's fine. I hate it when I can't read the clock.

Thanks for the beautification, MiL!


Anonymous said...


mil said...

Poppy has no shortage of executive capacity.