Sunday, July 2, 2023

Snapshots: There and Back

As I mentioned, we traveled to Tucson last week via Las Cruces, New Mexico. I am really bad about taking pictures when I'm traveling, but I did get some this time! Let's see what I managed.

Our very first stop in Las Cruces was Cowtown Boots, for, um, boots.

There were plenty of options.

Poppy's favorites were these not-at-all-understated women's boots.

This photo does not even do justice to how sparkly these boots are.

Much to Poppy's disappointment, we did not buy the bedazzled boots, instead leaving with just the one pair of leather-soled riding boots we had come for.

After that it was on to our hotel in Las Cruces. The hotel itself was nice enough, but the surrounding area most definitely was not. There were encampments of junkies in empty lots all around this area of hotels that was right off the freeway. It was quite unpleasant. The hotel did have its own pool, though, thankfully free of junkies, that the children got to swim in.

That was the first pool of many on this trip.

The next day was the judo tournament. Our judo club is quite small, as you might imagine given our very unpopulated location, but we did have four competitors in this tournament, three in the junior divisions, two of which were my sons. 

The judoka line up for the opening ceremonies by club. Our small group is in the middle where they were concealed by the larger groups.

My boys got second and third in their divisions, and their teammate got second in his. So that was neat. and also, since this was the New Mexico State Games, apparently means they're eligible to go to the national competition next summer in San Diego. We're planning on going as of now, although the idea of anymore travel at the moment is not an altogether pleasant prospect.


We didn't wait around for the end of the tournament for the medals, because we still had a five-hour drive ahead of us and a swimming pool awaiting us, this time at my parents' house.

Conveniently in shade at the end of the day, which means the dreaded sunscreen needn't be applied.

The next day we went to see A.'s family at his dad's apartment complex, which also has a pool. The day after that, we went to see my brother and his family at their house in Phoenix. Pool again. Day after that was both grandparents' pools. The children spent hours swimming on this trip, in four different pools. It's about the only outdoor activity that's possible when it's 110 degrees every day, which it was. It's all the kids want to do anyway, so it works out.

Do you remember the house in my parents' neighborbood that upset me so much I referred to it as an architectural affront? Well, it's all done and landscaped, so we took a walk to see it.

Still looks like a bunker or something.

I guess the trees help a little, although all those pointy cacti do not.

Still not a fan, in case you couldn't tell.

We left my parents' house on Wednesday early in the morning. The first place we stopped was in Bowie, Arizona, for a bathroom break, coffee, and ice for the cooler. 

Did you know that Bowie is the hometown of the character of John Rambo, as played by Sylvester Stallone? I didn't, either, but Bowie wants you to know that it is.

Do kids today still know about Rambo?

The drive took us just under 12 hours. People frequently ask me what our kids do in the car on long trips, since we don't have iPads or anything. For this trip, the answer was make candles.

Like so.

I had bought a bag of those little Babybel cheeses for the car trip. The packaging of these includes a wax covering that is opened with a little strip of paper. The children spent quite some time molding the wax around these paper strips to make candles. They even manufactured candle holders out of juice boxes. 

Of course, the first thing they did when they got home was see if any of these candles would burn. They were very proud to announce that at least one of them did.

Incidentally, however, I would not recommend this car entertainment if you have a nice car that you care about, since the wax does have a tendency to stick to things in the heat, and is red. You can imagine the state of our van after seven years of traveling with small children, so I don't care much.

And then we made it home to our wide-open skies, where the dogs were thrilled to see us and the horses were ready to be ridden.

That tiny speck in the distance is a kid on Cora.

There you have it! My life--and travels--snapshotted.


Anonymous said...

Great job to the boys winning 2nd & 3rd.
Those are definitely some sparkly boots.

Kit said...

Great pictures! It looks like a wonderful trip, but I bet you were glad to get home too.