Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The China and Platinum Anniversary

Today A. and I are celebrating twenty years of marriage.

And here we are on the blessed day of our nuptials!

A little Behind the Music for you about that photo: We had our wedding reception at Blackrock, which means that tent was set up on the very lawn I would labor on for ten years picking up black walnuts every fall.

My mother and the MiL gathered all the flowers for the church wedding and the reception from the gardens at Blackrock, and arranged them all, too.

The cake was made by A.'s aunt, who is a very accomplished baker. It was so hot that day that the frosting was too soft and the cake was starting to slump.

The bride and groom topper on the cake is surrounded by an ostrich egg. Because our first date was to the Ostrich Festival* in Chandler, Arizona.

A. just got back from New York last night. The traditional gift for the twentieth anniversary is china. The modern gift is platinum. He went with a different kind of gift, though: Despite his exhaustion, he set two rat traps before he went to bed to catch the rat that was running around IN MY BEDROOM yesterday morning.

I don't really want to talk about that. I'm still cringing.


A. has now been my chief rat-catcher for twenty years. An enviable position, clearly.

Here's to another twenty.

* When I went to the website to link to it, I saw the aerial photo of the festival as it is now. That is not what it was like when we went. Twenty years ago, it was not really a carnival so much as an ostrich-themed collection of oddballs selling emu oil and so on.



mbmom11 said...

Happy Anniversary - may you have many more (hopefully rat-free) years!

He did miss the opportunity to get you a cat - a mobile, self-propelled rat catcher!

Gemma's person said...

Wonderful.......hold tight!

Claire said...

Happy anniversary! Wishing you both many long happy years ahead

Mei said...

Happy anniversary! Platinum is nice but I would prefer the rat catcher before the platinum.

Natalie J said...

Happy anniversary!

Tu mere said...

Would you have believed 20 years ago where you’d be today, along with the lifestyle. Knowing you and your husband, guess that answer would be yes. So much to celebrate in those 20 years!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

🎉 Happy Anniversary

Fiona said...

Happy anniversary!