Sunday, January 21, 2024

Snapshots: Milk 'n' Stuff

So what happened this week besides our pipes freezing? Let's see . . .

A. went on an overnight adventure last weekend with one of the boys, and he bought some milk while they were gone. It was so wee and funny looking in comparison to the gallons that I always have to buy. 

Look how cute!

A random shot of the rime we had last weekend . . .

Rime on a rusty gate. There's a cowboy poem in there somewhere.

My temporary office at work isn't connected to the main heating system, which is not so good in these days of single digit temperatures. I was thoughtfully provided with a little space heater, though, and the name is very amusing to me.


I like to think my office is a multifun kind of place.

And last, in a real sign of our times, I took a selfie while I was on Zoom.

Waiting for a student who never showed up, that is. I didn't interrupt my meeting to take a picture of myself. That would have been really strange.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


Tu mere said...

My. A selfie while on zoom. That sounds so now and cosmopolitan in a place where low population with great expanses of ranch land, i.e., cowboy country, leads to the perception that zoom or selfies are not the norm. Totally incorrect I’m sure as you’re required to use zoom for work, so there you go. Anyway, love the selfie!

Gemma's person said...

Your children will like having a photo of "mom on the job" when perusing this in the future.
That mini jug of milk looks so odd.

Hilde said...

The gallon of milk would not even fit in my fridge! All over Europe you buy milk by the liter, so you would have to buy 4 1-liter cartons for one gallon. I think half of a gallon would go off before I could use it.
Hilde in Germany