Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Food: Highly Unusual

A. left last Friday for New York with the three younger children, and just returned yesterday. I was home caring for animals and the eldest child, who wasn't feeling well all that time. So it was a really odd week of food at our house.


Short version: Barbecue food

Long version: To continue the odd theme, I actually went to a barbecue. Our whole family was invited when we were at the parish picnic the week before, by one of the moms from last year's First Communion class. When she heard that I would be the only one here, she was insistent that I come by myself.

She's very nice, and I didn't want to be rude, so I went. She lives in the village in the opposite direction from the one where we go to school and church. Even though her village is the same distance from our house as the village we are usually in, I don't really know anyone there except by sight. So I didn't really know anyone at the barbecue. 

I sat with three elderly Spanish ladies, who spent much of the time telling me about their various family connections and asking me about my neighbors, since I have the misfortune to not actually be related to anyone here. Old Spanish ladies are highly opinionated and outspoken, so it was very entertaining.

As for food, I had chicken and some pasta salad. The hostess confessed that she just bought a bunch of rotisserie chickens and quartered them before putting them on the grill for just a few minutes with barbecue sauce. She and her husband both work and they have five children, so spending an hour grilling chicken didn't seem like a good use of their time.

This seemed like a brilliant idea to me, and I told her so. Also, the chicken was delicious.

My contribution was a plate of chocolate-chip cookies, because that's what I happened to have in the cookie jar. They were all eaten, which is good.


Short version: Salad and ice cream

Long version: I had some hardboiled eggs on hand, so I used those to make a salad.

Virtuous salad and my current book. I have mentioned more than once that I really do love reading while I eat.

And then I had some not-so-virtuous ice cream. Because I could.


Short version: Hardboiled eggs, cucumbers, more ice cream

Long version: I didn't even bother with making an actual salad, instead just mashing up two hardboiled eggs with leftover ranch dressing and eating a cucumber from the garden.

Well, half a cucumber, because these Armenian cucumbers are a bit much for a solo diner.

And more ice cream. Again, because I can. Also because it's been HOOOOT all week.


Short version: Bunless hamburger, tomato and cucumber salad, and yes, more ice cream

Long version: I had a few hamburger patties still in the freezer from the extras I froze awhile ago, so I cooked one of those this night. The salad had feta in it, which makes it so much better.

Please enjoy my very fancy bunny bowl.


Short version: Chicken and cucumbers with ranch, ice cream

Long version: I had just a bit left from the jar of ranch dressing that's been in the refrigerator for awhile, so I used it for the second half of one of the Armenian cucumbers.

I went to Walmart this day to buy All The School Supplies. While I was there, I also bought a rotisserie chicken. Since there was a little ranch dressing still in my bowl after I ate my cucumbers, I just shredded some of the chicken right into the bowl and had ranch chicken.

Bunny bowl again, yes.

And there's my ice cream. Vanilla with chocolate syrup, in case you were wondering.


Short version: Salad, ice cream

Long version: My salad this time was an actual lettuce salad--lettuce from the store because I got almost no lettuce out of my garden this year--two hardboiled eggs, feta, tomatoes, cucumber, beets, and green onion. The last three things were from the garden.

Soon the tomatoes will be from the garden, too, but they're not quite there yet.


Short version: Taco rice, cucumbers with vinegar, lemon jello

Long version: The return of the travelers this afternoon meant the return of cooked dinners. I put out the cucumbers with salt and vinegar while I was making the taco rice, which was just ground bull, a bunch of leftover rice that I had cooked in chicken stock for the sick child, salsa, taco spices, and grated cheese.

The lemon jello was the bit left from the large pan I had made for the sick child. I just make six cups of lemonade--lemon juice, sugar, water--and then add four tablespoons of plain gelatin to it. It took me awhile to get a perfect jello consistency, but this ratio does it.

Refrigerator check:

It stays surprisingly full when there's no one here to drink the gallons of milk.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


mbmom11 said...

Fri- I came home to find someone had eaten things I had planned to use for dinner, so I punted and made bacon. Kids toasted bagels, husband had a rice/bean burrito.
Sat- tacos to the rescue. I had cereal.
Sun- grilled chicken, corn on the cob, chips.
Mon- I gave up- I'm just done with summer. I made some pasta, defrosted some leftover sausage, and walked away. Kids also filled up on ice cream later. Big fans of cookie dough and "superman" flavors.
Tues- grilled chicken, instant mashed potatoes, pseudo-gravy, broccoli. Bagels for the kids who don't like mashed potatoes. ( because someone ate the leftover chips again- is nothing sacred in this house?).
Wed- birthday for college daughter! I got domino's, which she likes. She tried making her own birthday cake the night before- homemade- taste and texture came out great- but all 3 layers stuck to the pans. She pivoted and made cake pops out of them. Success!
Thurs-had extra long wait for son and band camp, so I threw together tacos for family. One kid had quesadilla. I had ice cream- with chocolate syrup later. Not virtuous at all.
I hope returning to school will shake me out of this cooking rut.
Enjoy the weekend!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Didn't you read that Atlantic article about the health benefits of ice cream? It's a totally valid part of a balanced diet.

Anonymous said...

Friday (happy anniversary to you!): chicken salad for anyone awake enough after the plane to eat. Sat: ham, sweet corn, peach cobbler. Sun: pasta w/ pesto (caught without usual nuts but used cashews, which worked), leftover chicken salad. Chocolate chip cookies. Mon: Italian sausage, sweet corn, zucchini,ice cream with caramel sauce. Tuesday beach party for kids with burgers, grilled lake trout, all cooked by guys. Wednesday: roast pork, mashed potatoes, tomato and cucumber salad (farmstand tomatoes, mine are green), blackberry and peach combo cobbler. Thursday: family gone, random leftovers. MIL

LDA said...

I love reading your blog & comments over at The Frugal Girl. We have just moved to southeast Louisiana from Kentucky and I am still navigating the grocery stores here. We have 1 regional chain, 1 national chain, 2 local, plus Walmart & Aldi, Trader Joe’s & The Fresh Market all within 5-6 miles from my house. The one thing I miss is all the Farmers markets & roadside farm stands. I had access to those everyday in KY, but here it is maybe once a week. We have also had very hot weather here so my desire to be outside is nil. As for ice cream, I am eating that right along with you!

Kit said...

I had zero interest in food this week because it's been SO HOT. The heat index right now is 106, who's hungry? And I'm packing for another camping trip and planning food for that too, without much luck. Too hot to be hungry is pretty hot.
Friday-leftover salmon loaf, baked potatoes, green beans, tomatoes, ice cream (fudge ripple)
Saturday-pork sausages, cornbread, tomatoes, ice cream sandwiches
Sunday-tomato sandwiches, corn on the cob
Monday-chicken enchiladas, corn, tomatoes. We have lots of grape tomatoes, almost no full size ones.
Tuesday-lentil soup from the freezer, crackers. Too hot for soup but this was easy.
Wednesday-fish sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes, cucumbers, fudge ripple ice cream
Thursday-chicken taco salad, more ice cream - chocolate marshmallow this time. We all seem agreed that you can't have too much ice cream, in this weather anyway.