Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Remote Chauffeur

Like most parents of older children who cannot yet drive, I spend quite a bit of time driving my kids to wherever they need to be. Unlike most of those parents, however, my drives are a lot longer. Also more scenic.

I had a particularly driving-heavy day a bit ago, and I documented it for you in photos.

You ready? Let's go!

First up was getting my eldest to his job. He's been working at a ranch down the hill this summer. It's an outdoor job, and he starts very early to avoid the worst of the heat, so we were leaving the house just before sunrise for the 25-mile drive to the ranch.

The last five miles are on a caliche road.

I stopped on my way back up the hill to take a picture of the rising sun.

It was unusually hazy on this morning.

Just a couple of hours after I got home from that excursion, I went back down that same hill to bring another child to a town for his school vaccinations. That was another 120 miles roundtrip.

On the road again . . .

And just about an hour after returning from that, I got back in my trusty old Honda to take Poppy to her friend's house for a sleepover. Thankfully, her friend only lives about twenty miles away.

She's on a pretty remote ranch, but at least their house only requires about a mile and a half of off-the-pavement driving on their driveway. Some of the houses on this ranch are twenty miles or more off the paved road.

Nice views on the way home.

So all together, I drove around 250 miles to get my kids to work, the doctor, and a sleepover.

Thankfully, I do not have days like this often, but it's just another part of parenting in Remote America.


Gemma's person said...

Isn't it nice living in the middle of nowhere and everywhere. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, but once the children learn how to drive, you need more cars! Mary in MN

mbmom11 said...

When can the oldest get his license? Your life will be so much easier when he does! The one shot is so green! Have you had a lot of rain?

Kristin @ Going Country said...

We're still a year and a half away from the eldest being able to drive legally. We had one really good rain last month to green things up, but they got even more down the hill.

Elaine N said...

Love the photos, but I'm really not seeing any hills. I live on the east coast so it's the opposite of your country - green, humid, no visible horizon, and crowded. Reading your blog reminds me that there is another world out there.

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Well, I can't really take photos on the hills because the switchbacks mean I need to have my hands on the wheel. Ha. We're on a plateau, so it's flat everywhere except when we go "down the hill," by which I mean off our plateau.