Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday Food: Crepe Cake and a Spanish Feast


Short version: Chicken Spanish rice, pintos with ham, beef jerky and dried apples

Long version: I had quite a few chicken bones left from previous meals, with which I made stock. To do this, I actually use any uneaten chicken, but also the bones my children have eaten from. They leave behind a lot of meat. 

I used some of that stock, plus the meat I picked off the bones, to make something like Spanish rice. That also used the leftover corn I had cut off the cob.

I had made a big pot of pinto beans with a ham bone from the freezer, mostly to freeze for later, but we ate some of those with the chicken and rice.

All of this was before and after the volleyball game, which was the first cheerleading game of the season. I brought two of the boys along with me and Poppy, and they had some beef jerky and dehydrated apples during the game. I've made quite a few quart jars of dehydrated apples this year, using an old but pristine dehydrator given to me by a friend in the village. It works faster than the sun, but it's also easier to over-dry the apples, and they're drying on plastic racks. So I am conflicted. But still using it.


Short version: Salad for me, bedtime cinnamon toast for children

Long version: We had been out and about in the afternoon. I was at a birthday party with Poppy, where she ate enough that she wasn't hungry at dinnertime. A. had been in a city with the boys, and they stuffed themselves at a Mexican restaurant and weren't hungry for dinner, either.

I, however, was hungry for dinner, so I made myself a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, pickled onions, deli salami, and feta cheese.

The children made themselves cinnamon toast before bed. So I guess that was their dinner.


Short version: Salisbury steaks and gravy, rice, sauteed calabacitas and tomatoes, leftover corn, crepe cake

Long version: When I was a kid and my parents left us with a babysitter at night, we would usually each get a Hungry Man frozen dinner. I always wanted Salisbury steak, which came with mashed potatoes, corn, and a really gross cherry cobbler thing that I never ate.

I still like Salisbury steak, except now I make it. This time I did the binder with bread crumbs and eggs, so it would stay together. The gravy was just a milk gravy with some diced onion. Very satisfying.

The sauteed calabacitas, tomatoes, onion, and garlic were even more satisfying. Well, to me. The children had the corn.

And now, the cake. 

This was something A. had seen online. He is the crepe cook in our house, you may remember, so he wanted to try it. It's just crepes, whipped cream, and sweetened strawberries, all layered like a trifle in a springform pan and refrigerated for awhile.

He even decorated it all fancy with the (frozen) strawberries.

We served it with more sweetened and mashed strawberries.

Pretty presentation.

There were a couple of things that would probably be changed next time--it needed more fruit and more sweetening--but A. was very pleased with it. And the leftovers actually made for a very nice breakfast for the children to cajole them out of bed on Monday morning. I think we might make something like this whenever we have leftover crepes from the Sunday after-church breakfast.


Short version: Ms. Rebecca's Spanish* feast, watermelon

Long version: A. did some repair work on our elderly neighbor Ms. Amelia's roof last week, along with one of the boys, and Ms. Amelia's daughter wanted to pay him. A. said she could just pay him for the nails he had to buy, but nothing else, so she asked if he would like some enchiladas or something.

Of course he would.

So this day she brought by an incredible quantity of food: A big pan of beef enchilada casserole, another big pan of Spanish rice, a huge container of pinto beans, and 12 homemade flour tortillas.

So much food.

She works in the cafeteria at a school, so I guess she's accustomed to cooking for a lot of people. 

Oh, and my new range was unexpectedly delivered this day! So the very first thing I used it for was to heat all this up in the oven.

The oven on this one has a window AND a light, which is an upgrade from the previous one.


Short version: Two soups, bean and cheese quesadillas, peanut butter cookies

Long version: It was relatively cool this day, so I decided to get the big bag of chicken carcasses and bones out of the freezer and make stock with it.

And then, with that stock, I made both a chicken/vegetable/rice soup that used the bits of chicken I managed to salvage, as well as the bread-thickened pureed tomato soup my children love so much.

Some left from each.

That tomato soup has very little protein in it, which is why I also made the children the quesadillas. 

These peanut butter cookies.


Short version: Leftovers

Long version: I went straight from work to two different meetings and didn't get home until after 6 p.m. Thankfully, there were lots of leftovers from Ms. Rebecca's feast, so that's what everyone ate while I was gone.


Short version: Leftover soups, grilled cheese sandwiches, ice cream

Long version: This was kind of a seasonally schizophrenic meal. The soup and grilled cheese are fall foods, but the ice cream is summery. This was the last day it was going to be over 80 degrees, so I decided to celebrate the last day of the school week by letting the kids finish off the mint chocolate chip ice cream that's been around for awhile.

They were fine with this.

Refrigerator check:

Thank goodness the tiny store in the village had some milk, otherwise we would have been out for at least a few days.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?

* I know most people would call this Mexican food, but the old Hispanic families here claim the title of Spanish. Their ancestors are in fact the conquistadors, who came here before the United States was even a country, so they are actually of Spanish heritage.


mbmom11 said...

Fri- helping with football concessions this evening, so I took leftover pizza from freezer for the kids to have.
Sat- leftover tacos makings for husband, chips and salsa and cheese for kids,picky eater had a bagel and other stuff, I had ramen, followed by peanut butter sandwiches for dessert. Every so often, peanut butter calls to me.
Sun- hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, corn on the cob, apple slices.
Mon- grilled chicken from the freezer - I make some broth and warmed in in the broth, rice, broccoli, ramen. No one really ate the saucy chicken- they descended on the on small plate of plain chicken I had left for picky eater. So I guess I'll have plenty if chicken for my ramen.
Tues- leftovers of all sorts, chips, pineapple.
Wed-I was out for parent teacher conferences with my son's teachers, so I left the teens in charge of dinner. Pasta, garlic bread, leftover sausage. I came home to a note from youngest boy that the bread was good but the pasta was weird. They had drained it a little early as husband came home and was hungry. A little too al dente! They survived. I ate ice cream when I got back and returned chaos into order.
Thurs- grilled Italian sausage, chips, hash browns, apples, pineapple.

It's been so hot. The light and trees show it's autumn, but it's been close to 90F all week. So underachieving week for me!
Enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

I've been coping with a REAL tomato crop this year. After making tomato juice, I sauted the vegetables that needed to be used (onion, green pepper, celery, summer squash) in olive oil, added a nice lot of tomato juice, simmered. Then I whizzed with my immersion blender, added a good scoop of peanut butter and whizzed again. Tomato soup plus protein for several suppers.

Andra said...

-Butter chicken, rice, broccoli
-salmon and sweet and sour cabbage…rice for those whowanted it
-pork chops, the rest of the sweet and sour cabbage, mac and cheese
-pankcakes and fruit
-leftovers one night

I feel like we eat the same things…really should try to incorporate more variety….

Christine said...

The Spanish feast, yum! Did the crepe cake take long to assemble? Everything sounds delicious.

Gemma's person said...

All food that others makes always tastes better to me, because I didn't have to do all the work. But, the food as payment deal.....that looks SO GOOD!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

It took longer to make the crepes than to layer them with the whipped cream and strawberries.

Kit said...

Friday-finally finished up the chili, with cornbread on the side
Saturday-chicken fried steak, noodles, corn on the cob, apple cobbler with vanilla ice cream
Sunday-fish sandwiches with tomatoes from the garden. I bought some of those frozen fillets that are sort of like fish sticks, hoping to get a fried fish feeling without frying fish. I didn't. But they weren't bad.
Monday-miscellaneous leftovers
Tuesday-enchiladas from the freezer, green beans, corn
Wednesday-lasagna from the freezer, salad
Thursday-green bean and potato soup, cheesy biscuits, oatmeal cookies

Christine said...

Good to know. TY