Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Food: Solo Food and Peaches


Short version: Solo cottage cheese and chips, leftover omelet

Long version: A. left this morning with all the children for Tucson, to celebrate his father's 95th birthday. They stayed in a motel in Lordsburg this night, and they ate the barbecue meatballs and boiled potatoes I sent with them.

I stayed home to take care of the animals. And this is what I ate on my own:

Cottage cheese and potato chips are kind of balanced. Book  (The Luck Uglies) recommended by Jody here, and now by me. Thanks, Jody.

I had been in the garden just before I ate dinner, weeding and harvesting, during which I had eaten several small tomatoes, a small cucumber, and a few raw green beans, so I felt like my vegetable needs were met.


Short version: Salad, ice cream

Long version: The salad was heavy on the cucumber, since the garden is heavy on the cucumbers right now. It also had tomato, hard boiled egg, feta, and pickled onions in it.

Much healthier than the previous night's meal. Except for the ice cream not pictured.


Short version: Chili, ice cream

Long version: Even though I didn't really need to cook, I decided to make a pot of chili just to have on hand in the freezer for nights when I don't have time to cook. So I made that, and had some of that for dinner this night. 

Chili in a pot.

Same ice cream. Cookies and cream, in case you were wondering.


Short version: Brisket, mashed potatoes, sauteed calabacitas and tomatoes, cucumber with salt and vinegar, rice pudding

Long version: The return of the travelers, as you can tell by the large meal. I hadn't intended to cook brisket, but that's what was in the bag I took out of the freezer that I thought contained pork butt. So I cooked the brisket. And, of course, since the oven was on so long, I also made rice pudding.

I found another calabacita in the garden and sauteed that with tomatoes, onion, and garlic. 

A happy summer skillet.


Short version: Scrambled eggs, chorizo patties, leftover mashed potatoes, tomato/cucumber/feta salad

Long version: I had planned on having the leftover brisket, but then I thought I'd better save that for an after-work meal the next day. By the time I came to that decision, it was too late to defrost anything big from the freezer. We did have a small bag of elk chorizo still in there, though, which thawed quickly.

Not everyone likes chorizo, though, so I cooked it separately as patties for those who wanted it and kept the scrambled eggs plain.


Short version: Brisket Spanish rice, cucumbers, peaches and cream

Long version: I made a pot of rice before I left for work in the morning, so when I got home, I added that to chopped brisket, already-cooked onion from the freezer, salsa, frozen corn, spices, and grated Monterey jack cheese to make something like Spanish rice.

Nick the Peach Guy had told me on Sunday that he had been away the previous week, and his peaches had started ripening while he was gone. So they were very ripe by Sunday, and I didn't have any children to help me pick them. I brought two of the boys over there after school to pick peaches while we waited for Poppy to finish cheer practice, so we had lots of fresh peaches on hand for peaches and cream.


Short version: Chicken drumsticks, pasta bake, cucumbers with ranch dressing, chocolate pudding with cream

Long version: I made the pudding in the morning with milk and cream that were starting to go off. And then I spent over three hours dealing with the peaches.

Because they had almost all fallen off the tree on their own by the time we got to them, and then they had to sit while I was at work on Wednesday, they were in pretty rough shape.

I ended up with four quarts of peaches in syrup, five pints of peach jam, and one gallon bag of frozen peaches. Also a complete disinterest in cooking. However, the show must go on! Especially since one of the boys had a friend over at dinnertime, and teenage boys eat a lot. In case you didn't know.

I had some roasted tomato sauce in the refrigerator I had made on the weekend when I was baking bread, as well as some pesto, so I used those to make the pasta bake, along with asadero cheese.

And because I had an Italian theme going there, I marinated the drumsticks in olive oil, vinegar, and Italian spices before baking them along with the pasta.

A fairly easy meal after a long day in the kitchen.

Refrigerator check:

Lots of pudding left in that big bowl.

Okay, your turn! What'd you eat this week?


Jody said...

You're welcome. We just finished reading all 3 aloud, and the kids loved it-- some for the first time. We're now reading Tom Sawyer, and that has them rolling on the floor laughing.

mbmom11 said...

Fri- pasta, sausage, garlic bread. Maybe broccoli.
Sat-last minute swing in the afternoon, so needed easy. Bacon, grilled cheese, apples.
Sun- birthday boy likes mashed potatoes, so beef stew, mashed potatoes, homemade bread, corn on the cob. Chocolate cake with white frosting.
Mon- last swim of summer, even though it was pretty cool, so easy again. Tacos. I eventually had ramen.
Tues- porkchops- I bought the boneless kind and they were too thick. I grilled them but had to microwave a little to make sure they were cooked through.rice, pineapple, hashed browns for some.
Wed- leftover pork and rice, corn on the cob, apple, pineapple .
Thurs- so hot! So Domino's pizza with a gift card.
Hopefully autumn comes back this weekend!

Andra said...

I am going to see if I can remember what we ate this week.

Gotta love the return to school…daughter as an upper respiratory infection and
my son’s teacher is messaging me almost daily. He does not do well in a traditional school setting… And he hates school, which does not help. He’s the type of kiddo that needs to be able to move around as he works. He needs to motivation to do the work too because he doesn’t like it.

-Friday I made pork chops, roasted potatoes, broccoli slaw, and green beans

-Saturday we went out out to eat

-Sunday I honestly do not remember

-Monday my dad grilled hamburgers and we had tater tots, baked beans, Coleslaw, and a cottage cheese salad for my dad‘s request… And my daughter made a cake

-Tuesday we had Salsa Verde chicken, and I put that out with the makings for soft tacos… I was told to not make that meal again. My family is apparently rigid on their food combinations. Even my daughter, who is usually open to trying new combinations, was not happy. But, she was battling a sore throat too…

-Wednesday was fish, rice, and a vegetable. My daughter is not a seafood lover, so she ended up doing healthy choice spaghetti and meatballs…
Wednesdays are her long days at her dance studio because she helps assistant teach a few classes before she takes her own class. So she usually eats something on the way to the studio around four and then eat a small something on the way home from the studio around nine.

And this was also the day that my son‘s teacher messaged me saying she sent home the work he had not finished at school. He is a trip… He actually asked me what his consequence would be if he didn’t do the work because he was trying to decide if it was worth it .… I told him he was going to have to do the work regardless, but would have a consequence on top of it. I’m happy to say he made the right decision.

-Thursday was leftovers so the picky one had fruit and chicken nuggets… My daughter and I had quesadillas with leftover salsa Verde chicken and I made kale chips… My husband had the leftover food from the restaurant and chips

And I got another message from my son’s teacher… I really need to uninstall this Remind app thing 🤪

mbmom11 said...

I feel for you and your son! My hs junior has had his teachers mailing me frequently over the years- I turned off my Gmail notifications because of them. I would encourage you to get an evaluation and 504 plan if appropriate, to allow your son to move around if needed. And as he has a very strong will (just like my son- they're like little analytical lawyers), I wish you the patient of a Saint and nerves of steel.

Kit said...

Friday-chicken taco salad, brownies and vanilla ice cream
Saturday-Italian sausage, potato salad, lettuce salad, peach pie
Sunday-chicken and tomato sandwiches, corn, watermelon
Monday-leftovers from Saturday, except the pie was gone so we had ice cream. It was Labor Day and I spent the day laboring over the tomatoes.
Tuesday-stuffed peppers, green beans
Wednesday-scrambled eggs, baked potatoes, zucchini
Thursday-barbecued pork (from the freezer), fresh sourdough bread, corn

Kristin @ Going Country said...

I hope things settle down for you soon. The transition back to school is hard.

Anonymous said...

Thought of you so I dished up some rice pudding at the breakfast buffet in Slovenia. Really not good, but then I shouldn’t have thought it would be!