Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Out to the World

Please excuse my late post today. My oven stopped working on Sunday, which is something of a situation in my heavily-used kitchen.

I needed a new range, which of course meant a hundred-mile drive. As do most purchases here.

So after I got the kids off to school this morning, I took myself off to the city to buy a new range. While I was at it, I also (finally) bought a new dishwasher.

In for a penny, in for a pound! Or rather, several hundred pounds.

Unfortunately, I couldn't bring the range home with me today because we use propane here, which meant a gas range that had to be converted. And the guy who does the conversions wasn't there today. So I had to schedule a delivery for both appliances.

Amazingly, this store will deliver to my house. For free, even. They had a delivery set up in our area just next week, in fact, so I'll just be without an oven for a couple of weeks.

Of course I had to go to the grocery store while I was in the city. I always expand my horizons at Walmart.

I had no idea one could purchase ready-to-bake cookies shaped like footballs, pumpkins, and ghosts, for example. Not that I could bake them at the moment. (And not that I would buy them ever.)

I also stopped at the produce trailer on the side of the road to buy what is certainly the last fresh corn of the season.

This particular trailer was pulled by a de-commissioned school bus, which is just so . . . New Mexico.

So that's what I did today. I spent most of my day off--and all of my month's paycheck--buying appliances and groceries. 

I like to lead the glamorous life*, indeed.

* It's a song. The video is here, and it's so incredibly 80s. I had never seen it, and so have just now learned that Sheila E. not only sang, but played the drums. At the same time. Impressive.


mbmom11 said...

I buy those cookies when they're on clearance after the holidays. $1 for 24 cookies isn't bad. And they never last long around here.
Good luck with the stove and dishwasher!

Kit said...

You can do without a dishwasher if you have to, but a stove is a necessity. Glad you're getting both.

Anonymous said...

You write so dispassionately about what is a major disruption in any life. You are officially the family winner of the most flexible and resilient member, although you probably could have been given that title way before this!

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Well, I do still have a stove, so it's not as if I can't cook at all. I just can't bake. It could be a lot worse. :-)