Sunday, September 15, 2024

Snapshots: Harvests

We actually got a decent amount of rhubarb this year.

This harvest of it all went in the freezer, as did the peaches given to us by a neighbor.

A bold table arrangement that does not include any sunflowers.

The first yellow leaves are appearing on the apricot tree by our front door.

A. scythed down the overgrown sunflower patch outside our gate that was encroaching into the road before they could dry and get too hard to cut. Kind of sad, but it was time, and there are plenty more elsewhere.

And last, I took Poppy to her friend's birthday party that had a puppy theme, since they just got a new puppy. Look how cute the marshmallow-paw-print cupcakes were. The "kibble" in the middle was peanut butter cocoa puffs or something on top of a chocolate cake. Clever.

There you have it! My life, snapshotted.


sheila said...

That dog kibble cake is so realistic. Cute.

Andra said...

I love the bold table arrangement…even without the sunflowers.
The party theme treats are cute too! And I bet Poppy enjoyed how they tasted.

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers! The birthday cake/cupcakes are the cutest!

Anonymous said...

Looks just like something you’d put together.

Anonymous said...

Yay. My comment published! Wish I had your rhubarb as it’s something I can use and we don’t get much of it in the store here. Such a variety of wild flowers. Makes for a special arrangement every time. Oh, if you were confused, that last comment was about the birthday decorations. Just a brief comment to see if it would go through.