First, an old photo from a couple of weeks ago when I took a kid to the dentist. It's a hundred-mile drive, and most of it was like this on the way there in the morning.
And some more-recent photos . . .
It makes me very happy that all of my children like to read.
One child really, really wanted a four-foot stuffed bass he saw in a Bass Pro catalog. He put it on his list for the gift exchange at school, and someone actually got it for him. So now I have this thing appearing all over the house. It's something else.
Oh wow, did the snow drift across the road to leave that hump? Or did the plow not come through? I hate driving when straddling a snow lump is necessary. My car does not have good cleaners compared to a truck or SUV.
And what is the figure below the hard working mom- it sort ilof looks like a bunny? However, they certainly described you correctly. With all you do and cook, you are hard working!
The bass stuffy would certainly be disconcerting early in the morning. But how nice that the friend leaned into what your child wanted! True friendship!
Clearance! Autocorrect please be careful!
It does look like it in the photo, but there was no ridge of snow on the road. Just a layer of snow and ice. I think the drawing is supposed to be a bunny. I don't think that had any relation to the message, it was just what that child wanted to draw at the time. :-)
That stuffed fish is crazy! :)
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