Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Old Snapshots

I went into "New Post" this morning with absolutely no idea what I was going to write. So I thought, "Well, there's always photos."

And then I scrolled down my photos collection and started grabbing old ones to look at with you. Fun!

This, for instance, is exactly a year ago today, when we had terrible cold and rime.

This was the weather that froze our pipes for a few days. Good times. (Not really.)

We have a weekend of very cold, windy, and snowy weather coming up, and you'd better believe we're going to be extra careful of our pipes.

Here's a close-up of Cora from a couple of summers ago.

Glaring at me because I insist on putting children on her back and not letting her eat the delicious grass she's walking right past.

And here's Odin in the verdant grass of a wet summer a couple of years ago.

Well, as verdant as it ever gets around here.

Also from that summer: a gaggle of lambs.

Reclining at their ease in the sun. The lamb that was born yesterday morning has yet to experience this kind of luxury, poor thing. 

And I'll leave you with a dog photo:

Good old Jasper, always at my feet.


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy your photos from your corner of the world.

Plaidkaren said...

Great pics!! Especially like Cora's headband!!

Gemma's person said...

Nice, love the warmer looking pictures. :)

Tu mere said...

Jasper’s such a sweetheart. My running buddy.