Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Exhibit A

How to keep a baby warm in a stone house when you run out of firewood*.

The sheepskins save the day again.

* Because it's almost MAY, dammit. Can we get a break on the temperatures anytime soon Mama N.? For the baby's sake.


Phoo-D said...

That sheepskin is definitely coming in handy! I bet you used more firewood than normal this year trying to keep things warm for cubby. Time for warmer weather!

Anonymous said...

Lucky cubby..bet he wishes there was a warm sheep in there with him. :) Beth The husband said , if you want to come get it , he will give you a pickup load, already cut, split and seasoned. Or check out picking up some wood pallets and cutting them up to use for a few days yet.

word verification 'clacheal'

what a happy chicken says after laying an egg

Judi said...

Good luck. Mama N has scheduled WEEKLY storms for us here in the Sierra Nevada foothills. It's now time for this week's edition. I'm ready for SPRING! (Still not looking forward to SUMMER.)

jean said...

He is the cutest little boy. I mean it. Just adorable.

Marcy said...

Phooey, it's snowing here! His Nibs is gonna have to hold up in that sheepskin until your first Mothers Day!

Alyssa said...

Very cute and so cozy! Did you get snow this morning like we did?

Alicia said...

It's chilly today here too, only 75 degrees.

Daisy said...

Once upon a time, before central heating existed, families kept their babies warm. Your sheepskin is doing the job for you now.

rls said...

He looks like a big fuzzy polar bear cub - how cute!