Friday, May 21, 2010

Bringing Back a Tradition

Okay, so "tradition" might be stretching it, as I think Alcohol Fridays consisted of all of two posts. Maybe three. I can't remember, and I'm not going to go back through my archives to find out, because we have more important things to do here. Namely, discuss my drinking habits. WHEEE!!

There are few things in this world that are more fun and make me feel more grown-up than using a cocktail shaker. I mean, paying taxes is grown-up, but there's no way it's FUN. Cocktail shakers, however, are SO FUN. I love them. I bought one for A. awhile ago for his birthday or something, and it gets a lot of use in our house. We like cocktails. And I made up a new one.

I KNOW. You thought I'd exhausted my creativity with the Slippery Slope, didn't you? No. I have a new one, and I will share it with you. Even though you probably can't make it yourself, because the odds of you having all the ingredients are pretty damn small.

I know. I'm mean.


See, a couple of years ago in the midst of mulberry juicing madness, I made a huge jar of mulberry liqueur, which is just crushed mulberries and sugar steeped in brandy, then strained. It's syrupy and sweet and I hadn't really figured out anything too appetizing to do with it. So it's just been sitting there on the liquor cabinet, mocking me.

Punk-ass liqueur.


Now, you should also know that I'm a big fan of Sidecars. A Sidecar, for those of you who might not know, is a lovely cocktail involving brandy, orange liqueur, and lemon juice shaken up with ice in the Awesome Cocktail Shaker. I also add a little water, because it's a little too strong for me straight. So one day a couple of weeks ago, I had a thought: What if I substituted some of the mulberry liqueur (which is, after all, just sweetened, flavored brandy) for the brandy in a Sidecar?

I mentioned this idea to the MiL, who suggested it might be better to substitute the mulberry liqueur for the orange liqueur. The MiL used to be a bartender. She knows her alcohol. So I did as she suggested, and WOAH BUDDY. That's one strong drink. I had to water it even more than usual, but after I did, I was very much enamored of my creation. Which I dubbed the Slippery Sidecar. Because I'm clever like that.

So, if you ever have access to mulberry liqueur (hey, it could happen--Phoo-D did make mulberry juice once), here's what you do to make a Slippery Sidecar.

1) Add several cubes of ice to your Awesome Cocktail Shaker.

2) Pour in one shot of brandy, a half shot of mulberry liqueur, a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice (a quarter of a lemon, maybe), and some water. The water will be to taste, depending on how strong you like your drinks. I just give it a blast from the faucet. Maybe a shot-glass full.

3) Shake your Awesome Cocktail Shaker (and your groove thing, if you wish) up, down, and all around until your drink is nice and cold and the outside of the shaker is all frosty. SO FUN.

4) Pour into a glass, drink, and say "Thank you, Kristin."

I'll hear you. And you're welcome.


Alicia said...

I'm right in the middle of a wicked head cold at the moment, but the day I stop all this sniffling and coughing madness, I'll be sure to try it.

Phoo-D said...

Okay, as soon as our Mullberry trees start producing I'm going to give this a go! Sounds marvelous =). (And I for one welcome the return of Alcohol Fridays!)

mil said...

Actually I've done my bartending from the customer side of the bar--
but I'll vouch for the Slippery Sidecar. It's good--

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Wait. You didn't work at the Inn as a bartender? Oops. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we went 9 months, wait , it's been almost a year... without alcohol have some catching up to do. Beth

word verification 'storen'

a list of places you are off to....
the storen the vetn the bakeryn the gas station.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean that Cubby gets to share the new cocktail? I don't know how this works. . .

Kristin @ Going Country said...

Anonymous: Yes, I feed it to him with an eyedropper. He thinks the mulberry liqueur is yummy.

(P.S. You know that was a joke, right? RIGHT? In case you REALLY care, one drink is considered okay when you're nursing, since it's so diluted in the milk and gets out of your blood--and therefore out of the milk--quickly. So, you know, don't be downing multiple shots of Jaeger, but the medical community--and La Leche League!-- says you can have one sometimes. You'll probably need it.)

Mia said...

can I just come on over? huh? ::laughing:: and actually, I DO have two mulberry trees - never enough berries for jam, but mulberry alcohol may have possibilities!!

Daisy said...

I just saw a recipe for rhubarb infused vodka. Wow. I have lots of rhubarb in the yard; maybe....

rls said...

A Slippery Sidecar - I love it!

verification word: avibiabi - what your slurred speech will sound like after too many Slippery Sidecars

FinnyKnits said...

Sounds delightfully drunkening!

Not that I'm going to be making mulberry booze any time soon, but, hey, we have a lot of other fruit around here...

Meanwhile, I've taken a liking to Gin Bucks, which are just like G&Ts except you sub the diet tonic for diet ginger ale and the lime twist for a lemon one.

SMACK! That is good.